wholesale jewelry suppliers in florida How much is the value and purchasing power of the gold bars commonly known as the "small yellow croaker" in the Republic of China?

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2 thoughts on “wholesale jewelry suppliers in florida How much is the value and purchasing power of the gold bars commonly known as the "small yellow croaker" in the Republic of China?”

  1. wholesale costume jewelry stores in nyc Those who have watched the TV series in the Republic of China must be very impressed with the golden recognition of various forces. Whether it is a traitor, a special agent, a warlord, a bandit, a yellow bar, which is commonly known as the small yellow croaker, they have always recognized the cargo currency. The reason is not difficult to understand. The so -called prosperous antiques, the golden world gold, the Republic of China in the warlord, gold is naturally the most preserved, and it is also the most strong purchasing power.
    The gold bars of the Republic of China
    During the period of the Republic of China, due to the chaotic financial policy of the Kuomintang, whether it was the fiat currency during the War of Resistance Against Japan or the golden coupon during the war of liberation, the rapid depreciation speed was dazzling. Flying to smoke. Therefore, during the turmoil period, rich families will prepare two or three small yellow croakers, and general families will reserve silver dollars with lower value to prepare from time to time.
    The early twentieth century, most countries in the world, especially the powers of various countries, have already begun to use the currency system with gold as the centered currency. Therefore, gold transactions are also very active. Gold trading market.
    The on the beach of the Republic of China
    although the National Government banned the market from buying and selling gold and silver as early as 1935, and required all of them to be exchanged for fiat currency, but due to the poor monetary policy and inefficient administrative capabilities of the Kuomintang, especially for the Kuomintang's poor monetary policy and inefficient administrative capabilities, especially After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the inflation in the Kuomintang ruling zone was extremely serious, and the fiat currency depreciated rapidly. As a result, the Kuomintang's ban has never been fully implemented.
    Gold, which is the commonly known "yellow croaker", has always been the most strong and most recognized equivalent. The raw materials of the small yellow croaker were imported by the United States. After cutting by the then National Mint of the National Government, the semi -automatic gold bar crushing and rolling mechanism was used to form different weight gold bars.
    The gold bars of the Republic of China
    The based on the traditional Chinese metering unit, the gold bars use the "two" as the basic weight unit. Generally speaking, the gold bars are divided into three types, which are 12, five, two, and one. Of course, there are half other specifications. For ordinary people, one or two gold bars are generally called small yellow croakers, and 10 dual two are naturally big yellow croakers. On the gold bar of the central mint, the central mint, date and other words will be pressed.
    Stidoscope during the Republic of China was produced between 1945 and 1949. After the Kuomintang retracted Taiwan, it will also ship a large number of gold bars stored in the vault to Taiwan, and these huge number of gold bars have also become the foundation for Taiwan's later economic take -off.
    So what is the value of these little yellow croakers? We all know that before the use of public system, the old Chinese system was 16 two pounds, so the people also said half a catty. Therefore, one or two gold bars at that time were equivalent to 31 grams of units today. Therefore, the small yellow croaker, that is, one or two gold bars is 31 grams of gold, and the big yellow croaker is the gold bar of 10 two, naturally 310 grams.
    In small yellow croaker
    The price of gold has been hovering at about 270 yuan for 1 gram. Therefore, the value of yellow croaker is simply calculated according to the gold price. Essence
    of course, the value of calculating small yellow croakers is unreasonable. As a gold bar cast by the Republic of China during the Republic of China, it has a certain collection value in itself. Therefore, its actual value is much higher than the accounting of gold prices. As shown in the figure, some collectors will open a small yellow croaker to twice the value of gold itself.
    Im yellow croakers
    A as unquestionable hard currency, the purchasing power of small yellow croakers in the Republic of China is naturally very powerful. It is said that during the Republic of China, a small yellow croaker can buy two acres of good fields and 3 to 5 small yellow croakers to buy a small courtyard in Beijing.
    of course, today's courtyard house in Beijing is already a sky -high price. If it is calculated by 100 million yuan in a courtyard, it is equivalent to the value of 12,000 small yellow croaker during the Republic of China. However, the value of the house and the troubled times is not comparable in itself.
    It Beijing Siheyuan
    According to statistics, as of March 1949, the Kuomintang produced a total of 1.11 million gold treaties with a total of 1.53 million. However, after the Kuomintang retracted Taiwan, most gold bars were taken to Taiwan, and there were not many gold bars left in the mainland.
    and most of the gold bars left in the mainland were recovered and melted by the bank. Therefore, the number of gold bars in the people is very scarce. Coupled with the historical time of the gold bars One of the collections. Its value cannot be simply measured with money.

  2. jewelry bath bombs wholesale During the Republic of China, Shanghai, commonly known as the twelve gold bars, was "big yellow croaker", which was equivalent to 312.5 grams today. Big yellow croaker also refers to the big gold bar, weighing twelve (old scales), and the small yellow croaker refers to the small gold bar, which is one or two gold treaties of 31 grams of gold.
    The gold bars cast by yellow croakers in the Republic of China have a certain collection value in itself. The number of gold bars in the people is very scarce. Coupled with the historical time of the gold bars, the small yellow croaker has also become one of the favorite collections of collectors. Its actual value is much higher than the gold price accounting, and it cannot be measured with money simply.
    The response time: 2021-03-12, please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank.
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