wholesale jewelry dropshippers in india How much is 9 -point diamond diameter?

wholesale jewelry dropshippers in india

1 thought on “wholesale jewelry dropshippers in india How much is 9 -point diamond diameter?”

  1. wholesale gift box jewelry manufacturer 9 -point diamond diameter is about 2.9mm. Watching it on the surface, it is very small.
    It can be vividly described. In general, one carat diamond has half a mung bean size, and 9 -point diamonds have no half of the mung beans. And even with platinum as a ring to create a diamond platinum ring, it will appear very small. Generally as a ring, it is best to choose diamonds greater than 9 points, otherwise it will be small.
    The relevant information
    9 The price of diamond itself is not expensive. Although it is a diamond, its level is not high, and the price is about 1500-3000 yuan. 9 -point diamonds are a kind of broken diamond. Some merchants sell cheap broken diamonds in order to attract customers.
    If as an investment, it is not recommended to buy 9 -point diamonds, because its value is not high, and if it is sold in the secondary time, there is no jewelry bank to be recycled. What jewelry is willing to recycle is diamonds of 50 or 50 points.

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