wholesale jewelry findings distributors In 86, a tiger is suitable for wearing what will bring wealth

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  1. wholesale jewelry craft supplies 86 years of tigers are suitable for wearing what will bring wealth
    86 The tiger is suitable for wearing what it will bring about wealth. Everyone has their own destiny. You also need you to take the initiative. You can transfer it by wearing some jewelry. The following sharing 86 -year -old tiger is suitable for wearing what will bring wealth
    86 The tiger is suitable for wearing what it will bring to the zodiac tiger in 86 years. Crystal Wangcai
    The tigers born in 1986 can wear white crystals. People can wear a bunch of white crystals.
    The white crystal can soften the sharp edge of the tiger and ease their deterrence. A strong role in attracting gold, wearing white crystals in the fate of the tiger can increase their wealth, and the wealth of the year of life is widely advanced.
    This Tiger Nian Nian wearing a gold ring
    The tiger people can also wear a gold ring to improve their fortune. The zodiac tiger is very decisive and very capable, but also a very capable person, but the life of this life is bumpy, so it is recommended that the young zodiac tiger choose a gold ring to wear. Pay more attention to themselves. Wearing a gold ring can also provide many opportunities for the zodiac tiger, allowing them to go smoothly at work, and can encounter good nobles to help them spend their life years.

    86 years of female tiger wearing pink crystal peach blossom
    86 Born tiger women Fu Shouwang, there are always many peach blossoms around them, but the life of the year is sluggish. Children will decrease in the year of the year, even if they are basically rotten peach blossoms. Therefore, it is recommended that the female tiger in 86 wearing a string of powder crystals in this year can make their peach blossoms strong, so that they will be more prosperous after marriage. The female tiger who wears powder crystals can always maintain a stable connection in work and life, and can take care of work while cooking family affairs, and everything is smooth.
    86 The tiger is suitable for wearing what it will bring about wealth 286 years. What is good for tiger girls? It is easy to be affected by external factors. As long as there are some bad luck around them, it will soon affect the tiger. On your chest, you can not only play a decorative role, but also increase your weight to your own life.
    2. Tiger Eye Stone
    86 Tiger people can also choose to wear a tiger eye stone. Tiger eye stone itself is a lucky gem belonging to the tiger. The evil played a role in good luck. In addition, it can also stimulate the potential of the tiger and help them resolve the setbacks and difficulties encountered in their lives. The poor physical tiger girl can also enhance their resistance.

    3. Pig horse dog jewelry
    In the zodiac zodiac, the tiger's Sanhe and Liuhe auspicious objects are the best pigs, horses and dogs, so you can also choose to wear pigs The jewelry or pendants of the three zodiac signs, horses and dogs also have a strong role in promoting the overall fortune of the tiger girl in 1986. Under their promotion, whether it is a career or life, compared to the previous situation, the previous situation is the situation. There is a certain improvement, bringing good luck to the tiger girl.
    4, red rope
    The red rope has always been welcomed. People like to wear in the year of the destiny to pray that the disaster can be resolved. A red rope can not only play a decorative role, but it is important to bless peace. The red rope also symbolizes auspiciousness and good luck. After wearing it, you can reverse the fortune to a certain extent, so that the life of the tiger girl can also become more happy. Essence
    86 The tiger is suitable for wearing what it will bring about wealth. 3 貔貅 pendants
    86 The tiger wearing a pendant to wealth. ability. It can absorb all things in the world, and can also recruit strong money. Therefore, if a tiger is wearing it, it will inevitably gain a huge gain in terms of money. Adhering to long -term wear can make the workplace easier and comfortable, and can also get better performance. Whether it is basic salary, commission and bonuses, you can get more.
    It should be worn personally when wearing, and there is no need to take it off when sleeping at night. However, the material must be bought well. If the material such as plastic, it will be a certain disadvantage of human health. In addition, it is best to take it off when bathing and going to the toilet.
    gold jewelry
    86 belongs to tigers wearing gold jewelry to recruit money. Gold itself is precious metal and a symbol of wealth. Wearing it on his body can not only improve the external temperament, make the whole person look pearly, but also bring a strong wealth. With the blessing and assistance of gold, the tiger people can get a lot of unexpected wealth, they may pick up money on the walking, and they may get huge wills or the stocks they buy.
    is worth reminding that if you wear gold, do not wear too much at one time, otherwise there will be suspicion of showing off your wealth, and it may attract the attention of thieves. At that time, it will not only lose wealth, but also be threatened by personal safety. It is terrible and must be careful. In addition, the gold jewelry should pay attention to maintenance, and you can get the gold shop for maintenance work on a regular basis, which can make them look better. After wearing it for a long time, if you feel a little tired, keep the gold properly to avoid being stared at by the thief.

    jade bracelets
    86 belonging to tigers wearing jade bracelets to recruit money. Compared to others, in fact, the ability to make money from the tiger is very powerful. They are very smart, know the skills and methods of making money, have a keen sense of business, and make money. However, it is difficult for the tiger to save money
    because they are generous and generous, spend money on big hands, and have no concept of saving money and saving money. If wearing jade jewelry, it will make the tiger calm, and the desire to shop will be greatly reduced, and there will be not too much obsession for luxury goods. In this way, it can naturally accumulate more money.
    and wearing jade jewelry can make the tiger's temper better, exuding strong personal charm, interpersonal relationships and precious popularity will become better. In this way, they can get some big guys on the road to make money, so as to earn more relaxed money. However, it should be reminded that money is incomplete. While working hard to make money, it is also necessary to pay attention to the combination of work and rest.
    86 Tigers are suitable for wearing what will bring wealth 4 white crystal
    . It is well known that the efficacy of white crystals is particularly many, suitable for many people, including tiger people. From the perspective of wealth, it has the effect of gathering money in itself. In 1986, Tiger people usually wear white crystals to recruit them. The tiger always looks very serious in front of outsiders, and the strong aura has made many people discouraged.
    is not very good -tempered. It is too impatient and always contradicts with others. Not only the people around them, they will be hurt by themselves. In addition to recruiting money for them, Bai Jing can also play a role in calming and calmness, making the interpersonal relationship of tigers better, and slowly affecting the career of the tiger.
    貔貅 貔貅 貔貅 ↑ 貔貅 丨 貔貅 r 貔貅 丨 貔貅 貔貅 丨 貔貅 r 丨 貔貅 貔貅 貔貅 貔貅 貔貅 丨 is particularly suitable for wearing crickets. It is a beast of auspiciousness. Essence If you can wear 貔貅 jewelry, you can not only play a role in maintaining peace, but also have the effect of being expected to be wealthy. In short, the fortunes of the tiger will be much better than usual. Moreover, 貔貅 looks very prestigious. One is more in line with the image of the tiger.
    Themid Buddhist pendant
    86 years of tiger people's temper is irritable, always because of some trivial matters, and when they are wronged Righteousness will bring them a lot of negative effects. Therefore, you can usually wear a Buddhist pendant. It is best to be a Buddhist pendant. It is a mascot itself, and different zodiac signs have their own patron saint. It is suitable for everyone to wear.

    Moly allows people to stay away from villains, resolve contradictions with others, and play a role in calming down. Ben Buddhist pendants can improve all aspects of the tiger people in 86 years, including wealth, and the destiny Buddha does not pay much attention and taboo when wearing it, which is more convenient.
    The people who wearing lapisis are rarely seen around us, mainly because its price is more expensive, which is a very noble accessory. The ancients often took the green stone to filial piety, and it was not a normal person to wear it. The wearing of ordinary people would affect their own fortune. Most of them were well -known people.
    The tiger people have a strong aura. From the perspective of the zodiac, the tiger people are the fate of the tiger in 1986. Most women are smart and clever. Most men are developing in the officialdom. They look incompatible with the people around. Therefore, when wearing green stones, it will not be reaction, but it can bring good luck to their careers. The tiger people wearing green stone jewelry can not only recruit wealth, but also show their nobleness and domineering.

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