estate wholesalers jewelry inc Is Long Zijia's jewelry reliable?

estate wholesalers jewelry inc

1 thought on “estate wholesalers jewelry inc Is Long Zijia's jewelry reliable?”

  1. kanishka wholesale sterling jewelry Long Zijia's jewelry is reliable.
    In Long Zijia's more than 5 hours of jewelry live broadcast, the final turnover can stabilize millions. Many people think he is expected to be "Li Jiaqi" under the vertical category of jewelry. Long Zijia said: "I am a jewelry designer and a brand founder. For the brand, the live broadcast is a good promotion channel that can further empower the brand." Zijia is now CEO of many companies, including his own jewelry brand, beauty brand, and accessories brand companies founded with front -line stars.
    In 2019, the live broadcast room of Weiya and Li Jiaqi, the lipstick of 1 million "Chen Qing Ling" lipstick came from his hand -named personal makeup brand: Cigalong Longzi Jia makeup, and on Taobao Tmall He also has the e -commerce business of jewelry. It can be said that he is a real supply chain and brand business.

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