antique jewelry findings wholesale Help give a few good ideas, how to make moon cake handicrafts, just use the materials that are easy to find, just like a carton or something

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  1. jewelry cleaner solution wholesale The method of making moon cakes by hand -made moon cakes by themselves: In August of previous years, eating moon cakes is a happy affairs that every family is indispensable. Although the moon cakes on the market have new varieties on the market every year, how to make moon cakes rarely ask for the fun and make fun of making production, the fun of making production, the fun of making production, the fun of making production, and the fun of making production. No one feels in person.
    The is the saying that the holidays are not afraid of making trouble, the picture is the joy of the family. Why not take the moon when the month is still missing, the family moves, and a few plates of good moon cakes are baked? If you are busy for the holidays, you will be in a word.

    The white flour, duck egg yolk, red bean paste filling, white syrup, alkaline water, raw oil, eggs.
    production method r r
    1. The proportion of white syrup, alkaline water, raw oil, and flour is a little bit fused with the dough. The proportion of flour, supreme syrup, alkali water, and oil is 5: 4: 1.4: 1.
    2. Put the good noodles into small doughs of the same size, and roll it into noodle cakes to be used.
    3. Pin the bean paste into a small round cake, wrap it in duck egg yolk, wrap it tightly into the filling group.
    4. Wrap the stuffing ball into the rolled noodle cake and knead it into a ball.
    5. Prepare a wooden moon cake mold, put a little dry flour, put the wrapped dough in the mold, press the pressure, press the pressure Tight and flattened. Then compare it to the mold.
    6. Use eggs to mix the egg juice with eggs. The proportion is 3 egg yolks and 1 whole egg. Inside the plate, brush a layer of tuned egg juice with a hair brush and put it in the oven.
    8. The temperature of the oven is 180 degrees, bake for about 20 minutes. R n This is the method of making soft leather moon cakes. When making moon cakes, pay attention to the following points:
    1. The proportion of the noodles should be flexibly grasped according to the raw materials used. Duck eggs are best to use egg yolk, so when roasting moon cakes, the oil from the egg yolk will be melted into the moon cake cake skin.
    3. When the moon cake is built out of the mold, it should be uniform and do not repeat it. It can be come out in the opposite side: the dry powder in the mold should not be placed more.
    4, the time of the baking in the oven should be based on the size of the moon cake block, or you can open the oven during the baking process to avoid roasting Jiao.
    5, in order to bake the moon cakes more fragrant, you can add a little butter when you have noodles, but remember not to add more to avoid crispy. (Source: Moon Network)
    n Leather formula (unit: gram) filling formula (unit: gram)
    Monthly cake -specific powder: 500 sugar glue: 830 peanut oil: 300 milk flavor filling: 6400 grass plum filling: 1600 roasted : 20 dried noodles: 80 brush yellow eggs: 200
    Pame production method Moon cake leather production method
    1, milk fragrance filling is 80, each weight 80 grams
    1, sugar glue, 枧 枧 枧 : : : : Stir well 2, grass plum filling is divided into 80, each weight of 20 grams
    2, peanut oil adds 1 and stir well in 1, use milk incense stuffing grass plum filling
    3, flour grilled sieve, divided into two two, two divided Add in 2 to 2 and stir well. Use
    to make
    production methods:
    1, moon cake skin, filling proportion of 2: 8.
    2, the cake skin is pressed into a thin round piece, wraps in the filling, puts it in the mold, and presses it with the hand to make the mooncake pattern clear. Essence
    3, the moon cake is baked in twice, the first baking until the surface is slightly yellow, the egg yolk liquid is baked, and the second moon cake is baked in twice. The liquid, the second moon cake is roasted until the surface is golden, no waist, no green wall.
    4, furnace temperature: 220 degrees Celsius, 180 degrees Celsius
    5, Quality requirements: clear shape, full, slightly convex cake waist, cake surface does not shrink, no hair edges, burst, leakage, etc. The skin filling is soft, not separated from the bones, the surface is oily and bright, and the bottom is light brown.
    Qiumei appreciation
    Leather formula (unit: gram) filling formula (unit: gram)
    Monthly cake -specific powder: 1000 sugar glue: 830 peanut oil: 300 special white lotus filling: 7800 fresh fresh: 7800 fresh fresh fresh: 7800 fresh fresh Rose 200 roasted vegetarian: 10: 20 dried noodles: 80 brush yellow eggs: 200
    The filling method of the filling of the filling
    1. Add fresh roses to the white stuffing.
    2, sugar glue, mixing well with water, 100 grams of each stuffing weight
    3, peanut oil adds 1 stir in 1, the production method is the same as the milk fragrance moon cake
    4, and the flour grilled sieve is sieved. Add in 2 to 2 and stir well, and use the dough for 30 points before using it.
    The production method is the same as the crystal incense moon cake
    Santan Yin Moon
    The leather formula (unit: gram) filling formula (unit: gram)
    Monthly cake -specific powder: 1000 sugar glue: 830 peanut oil: 830 peanut oil: 300 Red Lotus filling: 2400 Black Jujube filling: 1600 coconut stuffing: 2400 grilled vegetarian: 10 枧 3: 20 dried noodles: 80 brush yellow eggs: 200 duck egg yolk: 80
    monthly cake skin production method filling method r r r
    1, sugar glue, mix well in water
    2, three kinds of stuffing are divided into 80, each weight of 30 grams
    3, peanut oil adds 1 and stir well
    4, use three stuffing wraps to put a piece of one with one. Duck yellow egg.
    5, sieved of flour roasted plain, add 2 in two times, stir well, and use the dough for 30 points before using it.
    The production method is the same as the crystal incense moon cake
    This of fresh meat moon cakes. 10 grams, 210 grams of cooked lard, salt, cooking wine, sesame oil, ginger minced a small
    production process:
    1. First add the meat to salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, cooking wine, sesame oil, ginger, and then mix in one direction. After mixing, add 60 grams of clear water, continue to mix until the oral fusion and sticky, put it in the refrigerator for later use.
    2. Mix 300 grams of flour, 15 grams of maltose, 120 grams of cooked lard, and 45 grams of sugar, and add 175 grams of boiling water to knead into water and oil noodles.
    3. Add 200 grams of flour to 90 grams of cooked lard into a pastry noodles.
    4. Bread the crispy noodles into the water and oil surface, and the sealing is flat. Sprinkle dry flour on the chopping board and roll the dough into a 3 cm thick meringue.
    5. Divide large pieces of meringue into two pieces, roll each piece into one long strip, and lower into 40 doses.
    6. Press the agent flat, wrap it in 15 grams of meat, and seal it into moon cakes.
    7. Seal the moon cake down on the hot pan, cover the pot, and bake each side.
    The bake for 3-5 minutes, golden brown on both sides, and then covered with a lid and baked it with a micro-fire until the edge of the moon cake is milky white.

    Pets of pineapple ice skin moon cakes
    500 grams of pre -mixing powder
    150 grams of sugar
    150 grams of white cream n n R n 250 grams of ice water
    1. Put the sugar powder and water in the egg beating machine and stir until the sugar is dissolved.
    2. Add the ice skin to 1 3 minutes and then mix the white cream together until the smooth placement and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
    3. 300 grams of pineapple filling.
    4. The proportion of skin filling is 3: 7.
    5. After forming, install the seal and packaging directly.
    6. To refrigerate and store sales.
    7. Symatic oil can be added to make a variety of color and taste ice cakes.
    Moly -flavored moon cake filling and its production method
    This involving a multi -flavored moon cake filling and its production method. It contains 70-80 copies of sugar, 45-50 parts of edible oil, 70-80 copies of halogen products, 40-55 copies of cake powder, 2-3 copies of pepper, 2-3 copies, 1-2 copies of pepper, 1-2 copies, 1-2 copies, 1-2 copies, 1-2 copies, 1-2 copies, 1-2 copies, 1-2 copies, 1-2 copies, 1-2 copies, 1-2 copies, 1-2 copies, 1-2 copies, 1-2 copies, 1-2 copies, 1-2 copies, 1-2 copies, 1-2 copies, 1-2 copies, 1-2 copies, 1-2 copies, 1-2 copies. Natural spice powder 1-2 parts and appropriate amounts of salt; its production is prepared first, and then mixed with each component, and finally stood up. Because the invention is the main ingredients of the halogen products as the main ingredients of the moon cake, it has a strong Sichuan flavor. It integrates hemp, spicy, fresh, fragrant, salty, and sweet. Set the absorption of water is sufficient and then baked to make velvet, non -sticky teeth, and not embedded with teeth; and in the natural spices used in this product, there is a certain anticorrosive function. The natural shelf life can reach 30 without adding other preservatives 40 days.
    The method of making moon cakes in Guangdong
    The syrup, fresh eggs, fat, nuts, sesame, sugar lotus seeds, sugar winter melon, walnut, sugar, raw oil, sesame oil, fenjiu, flour, sugar kumquat, sugar kumquat, sugar kumquat, sugar kumquat, sugar kumquat, sugar kumquat, sugar kumquat, sugar kumquat, sugar kumquat, sugar kumquat, sugar kumquat, sugar kumqua, Rose sugar trap. The amount of material is self -discrepan.
    Cantonese moon cakes are the best products for the Mid -Autumn Festival.其特点是:皮薄松软,油光闪闪,色泽金黄,油润软滑、甘甜不腻、造型美观,图案精致,花纹玲珑清晰,饼身呈腰鼓形,饼底呈皮色幼砂眼,不易破碎, The characteristics of convenient carrying are not only very popular in the domestic market, but also exported to Hong Kong, Macao and overseas. Cantonese -style moon cakes have a variety of fillings, and they are named after filling. Its flavor can be divided into two types: pure sweet and salty and sweet. There are five types of pure and sweet flavors (five types of peach kernels, almonds, hemps, peanuts, melon seeds), coconut, lotus, bean, bean paste, and other moon cakes; , Sausage, chicken shreds, barbecue meat and other moon cakes.
    The main varieties of Cantonese moon cakes are: White Lotus Rongyue, Barbecue Lamuya Moon, Pure Lotus Rongyue, Single Yellow White Lotus Moon, Single Huanghuang Lotus Moon, Egg Yolk White Lotus Moon Dou Rongyue, egg yolk pineapple month, egg yolk lotus month, egg yolk fresh winter month, egg yolk fresh coconut moon cake king, Douzan month, Dourong month, pineapple boutique month, pineapple month, tribute month, fruit taro Rongyue, joy Children's month, gold pizza month, ham month, healthy month, 66, Lotus Rongyue, rose bean paste month, Qixing accompanying month, cream coconut month, gift month, mini month, Li Rongyue, double yellow white lotus month, double soybeans, double soybeans Shayue, Shuanghuang Lian Rongyue, Shuanghuang Lotus Rongyue, Lanren Roasted Chicken Moon, Fruit Moon, EERWE, Trinlim Lotus Rongyue, Sanhuang Lotus Rongyue, Champagne Wine Month, Flower Moon, Wu Renyue, Extraordinary Mooncake, Yaozhu Pork Roast Moon, coconut lotus seed moon, moon cake filling raw materials, cloud legs moon cakes, etc.
    Cantonese -style moon cake fillings include lotus seeds, almonds, eulogin, peach kernels, mung beans, sesame, salted eggs, pork roast, roast goose, winter mushrooms, ice meat, sugar winter melon, shrimp, orange cakes, lemon leaves, Yaoyao, Yaoyao Column and so on. The famous moon cakes are: Lianxianglou Pure Lotus Rongyue Mooncake, Funxiang Bakery's Sixi Brand Five Ren Sweet Mooncake, Pure Lotus Mooncake, White Lotus Rongyue Mooncake, Egg Yolk Lotus Rongyue Mooncake and so on.
    ① Wash fruit kernels. With sugar and fat, add water and well, and then put in tide powder, olive kernels, and oil, and become the moon cake.
    ② Switching wrap in the skin and baking. rn无糖五仁月饼rn皮料配方:rn1、低筋粉5000克、2、生油1400克、3、麦芽糖醇液3750克、4、碱水75克、 5. 1000 grams of fresh egg yolk.
    1, maltose alcohol liquid, alkaline water first stir well;
    2, add oil to 1 and stir well; Run;
    4, the dough is awakened for 30 minutes before using it.
    1, sugar -free five -kernel filling 40,000 grams
    production method:
    1, moon cake skin, filling proportion of 2: 8.
    2, the cake skin is pressed into a flat round piece, wraps in the filling, puts it in the mold, and presses it with the hand to make the mooncake pattern clear. Essence
    3, the baking of moon cakes is baked twice: (1) baking until the surface is slightly yellow, and the egg yolk liquid is baked;
    4, furnace temperature, 220 degrees Celsius, 190 degrees Celsius.
    5, the quality requirements, the shape of the shape is clear, the sea is full, the cake waist is slightly convex, the cake surface does not shrink, there is no edges, burst, leakage, etc. The cortex is soft and sweet, the epidermis is moist and bright, and the bottom is light brown.
    This -free bean paste
    Leather formula:
    1 5000 grams of low -gluten powder, 1400 grams of 2 raw oil, 3750 grams of 3 maltositol liquid, 75 grams of 4 -base water, 5 fresh egg yolk 1000 Gram
    Leather production method:
    1, maltose alcohol liquid, alkaline water first stir well;
    2, add oil to 1 and stir well; Magnetic;
    4, the dough is awakened for 30 minutes before using it.
    1, 40,000 grams of sugar bean paste filling (commercially available)
    production method:
    1, moon cake skin, filling proportion of 2: 8.
    2, the cake skin is pressed into a flat round piece, wraps in the filling, puts it in the mold, and presses it with the hand to make the mooncake pattern clear. Essence
    3, the baking of moon cakes is baked twice: (1) baking until the surface is slightly yellow, and the egg yolk liquid is baked;
    4, furnace temperature, 220 degrees Celsius, 190 degrees Celsius.
    5, the quality requirements, the shape of the shape is clear, the sea is full, the cake waist is slightly convex, the cake surface does not shrink, there is no edges, burst, leakage, etc. The cortex is soft and sweet, the epidermis is moist and bright, and the bottom is light brown.
    The sugar -free rose moon cakes
    Opod recipes: 1. 5000 grams of low -gluten powder, 2. 1400 grams of raw oil, 3. 3750 grams of maltoseol liquid, 4, 75 grams of alkaline water, 5, fresh eggs eggs 1000 grams of yellow
    Leather preparation method:
    1, maltose alcohol liquid, alkaline water first stir well;
    2, add oil to 1 and stir well;
    3, flour sieve and mix within 2 in 2 Uniform and magnetic;
    4, the dough is awakened for 30 minutes before using it.
    1, 37000 grams of sugar -free five kernel fillings (commercially available)
    2, sugar -free rose flower 3000 grams
    3, mix with sugar -free five kernel stuffing into Just flowers.
    production method:
    1, moon cake skin, filling proportion of 2: 8.
    2, the cake skin is pressed into a flat round piece, wraps in the filling, puts it in the mold, and presses it with the hand to make the mooncake pattern clear. Essence
    3, the baking of moon cakes is baked twice: (1) baking until the surface is slightly yellow, and the egg yolk liquid is baked;
    4, furnace temperature, 220 degrees Celsius, 190 degrees Celsius.
    5, quality requirements, clear shape and full shape, full of cake waist, the cake surface does not shrink, there is no edges, burst, leakage, etc. The cortex is soft and sweet, the epidermis is moist and bright, and the bottom is light brown.
    -non -sugar wolfberry moon cakes
    Leather formula:
    1, 5000 grams of low -gluten powder, 2, 1400 grams of raw oil, 3. 3750 grams of maltol alcohol liquid, 4, 75 grams of alkaline water, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 , 1000 grams of fresh egg yolk.
    1, maltose alcohol liquid, alkaline water first stir well;
    2, add oil to 1 and stir well; Run;
    4, the dough is awakened for 30 minutes before using it.
    1, 36000 grams of sugar -free five kernel fillings
    2, sugar -free rose 1000 grams
    3, wolfberry 3000 grams
    filling method:
    mix other ingredients into sugar -free and kernel fillings.
    production method:
    1, moon cake skin, filling proportion of 2: 8.
    2, the cake skin is pressed into a flat round piece, wraps in the filling, puts it in the mold, and presses it with the hand to make the mooncake pattern clear. Essence
    3, the baking of moon cakes is baked twice: (1) baking until the surface is slightly yellow, and the egg yolk liquid is baked;
    4, furnace temperature, 220 degrees Celsius, 190 degrees Celsius.
    5, the quality requirements, the shape of the shape is clear, the sea is full, the cake waist is slightly convex, the cake surface does not shrink, there is no edges, burst, leakage, etc. The cortex is soft and sweet, the epidermis is moist and bright, and the bottom is light brown. rn无糖黑麻月饼rn皮料配方:rn1、低筋粉5000克,2、生油1400克,3、麦芽糖醇液3750克,4、碱水75克, 5. 1000 grams of fresh egg yolk.
    1, maltose alcohol liquid, alkaline water first stir well;
    2, add oil to 1 and stir well; Run;
    4, the dough is awakened for 30 minutes before using it.
    1, sugar -free black numb filling 40,000 grams (commercially available)
    production method:
    1, moon cake skin, filling proportion of 2: 8.
    2, the cake skin is pressed into a flat round piece, wraps in the filling, puts it in the mold, and presses it with the hand to make the mooncake pattern clear. Essence
    3, the baking of moon cakes is baked twice: (1) baking until the surface is slightly yellow, and the egg yolk liquid is baked;
    4, furnace temperature, 220 degrees Celsius, 190 degrees Celsius.
    5, the quality requirements, the shape of the shape is clear, the sea is full, the cake waist is slightly convex, the cake surface does not shrink, there is no edges, burst, leakage, etc. The cortex is soft and sweet, the epidermis is moist and bright, and the bottom is light brown.
    The sugar -free fruits, five kernel moon cakes, sugar -free strawberry moon cakes, sugar -free hammel melon moon cakes, sugar -free orange moon cakes
    leather formula: 5000 grams of low -gluten powder, 2. 1400 grams of raw oil 1400 grams 3. 3750 grams of maltoseol liquid, 4. 75 grams of alkali water, 5, 1000 grams of fresh egg yolk.
    1, maltose alcohol liquid, alkaline water first stir well;
    2, add oil to 1 and stir well; Run;
    4, the dough is awakened for 30 minutes before using it.
    1, sugar -free fruit five kernel filling/sugar -free strawberry filling/sugar -free hammel filling/sugar -free orange filling is 40,000 grams/40,000 grams/4000 grams/4000 grams.
    production method:
    1, moon cake skin, filling proportion of 2: 8.
    2, the cake skin is pressed into a flat round piece, wraps into the filling, puts it in the mold, and presses it in the same way to make the moon cake pattern clear. Essence
    3, the baking of moon cakes is baked twice: (1) baking until the surface is slightly yellow, and the egg yolk liquid is baked;
    4, furnace temperature, 220 degrees Celsius, 190 degrees Celsius.
    5, the quality requirements, the shape of the shape is clear, the sea is full, the cake waist is slightly convex, the cake surface does not shrink, there is no edges, burst, leakage, etc. The cortex is soft and sweet, the epidermis is moist and bright, and the bottom is light brown.
    This -free fruit egg yolk Moon cake
    On leather formula: 1. 5000 grams of low -gluten powder, 2. 1400 grams of raw oil, 3. 3750 grams of maltoseol liquid, 4, 75 grams of alkaline water, 5, fresh fresh 1000 grams of egg yolk.
    1, maltose alcohol liquid, alkaline water first stir well;
    2, add oil to 1 and stir well; Run;
    4, the dough is awakened for 30 minutes before using it.
    1, 36000 grams of sugar -free fruits and fruits
    2, 400 salted duck egg yolk
    filling method:
    Wrap a salted duck egg yolk inside the filling.
    production method:
    1, moon cake skin, filling proportion of 2: 8.
    2, the cake skin is pressed into a flat round piece, wraps in the filling, puts it in the mold, and presses it with the hand to make the mooncake pattern clear. Essence
    3, the baking of moon cakes is baked twice: (1) baking until the surface is slightly yellow, and the egg yolk liquid is baked;
    4, furnace temperature, 220 degrees Celsius, 190 degrees Celsius.
    5, the quality requirements, the shape of the shape is clear, the sea is full, the cake waist is slightly convex, the cake surface does not shrink, there is no edges, burst, leakage, etc. The cortex is soft and sweet, the epidermis is moist and bright, and the bottom is light brown.
    Moon cakes are traditional foods of the Mid -Autumn Festival and are the cuisine of the Chinese nation. In August 15th, I was full of moon cakes while watching the moon, and I sent a moon cake to send my love: I wish my family reunite together and send a message to the loved ones happy and healthy.
    The traditional moon cake culture is extensive and extensive; and today, the variety of moon cakes is even more colorful. As part of our food culture, moon cakes have become a faithful industry, which plays a positive role in promoting the economic development of society.
    Canton -style Wu Ren moon cake
    Leather: Moon cake powder: 1000 grams
    Syfizer: 760 grams of Gehlite: 75 grams of water: 20 grams of peanut oil: 260 grams
    Cake skin improvement Dose: 6 grams
    filling: Walnut kernel: 150 grams of almonds: 100 grams of melon seeds: 150 grams of olive kernel: 150 grams of sesame kernels: 50 grams of sugar winter melon: 150 grams of ice meat: 550 grams of sugar orange cake: 100: 100: 100 Gram liquor: 200 grams of peanut oil: 100 grams of sesame oil: 20 grams of raw soy sauce: 20 grams of salt: 10 grams of pepper powder: 10 grams of green plum: 150 grams of water: 200 grams of cake powder: 200 grams of
    , Ji Shi Fan Pour on the face case; open a circular pot; add syrup, peanut oil, cake skin improvement agent, and water to stir into thick shape; stack it into a dough with stacked noodles; It can be made;
    Pap the cake powder on the face case and open a round pot; add walnuts, sugar winter melon, melon seeds, olive kernels, sesame kernels, almonds, pepper, soy sauce, sesame oil , Peanut oil and ice meat are stirred well; when you can hold a group with your hands;
    This to divide the relaxed leather into a 15 grams of noodles; Troupe;
    Min the leather with the palm of the palm into a flat and round shape when making, and put the filling in the center. Disk; use the moon cake molding tool to press the mold, and the pattern is required to be clear; after molding, spray a small amount of water on the surface of the moon cake with a watering pot to prevent white spots from being formed.
    Puled in the furnace for baking; fire temperature: 230 ° C, fire temperature: 180 ° C, about 17 minutes bake; about 7 minutes of baking, when the moon cake surface is set, take out the moon cake to cool to 50 ° C to 50 ° C to 50 ℃ , Brush the egg liquid twice; after brush the egg liquid, bake again after the egg liquid, the temperature of the fire: 200 ° C, the temperature of the fire: 180 ° C, about 10 minutes; wait until the surface of the moon cake is golden yellow. After cooling, brush the brushing agent to increase; so that the Cantonese -style Wuren moon cakes are completed; characteristic: natural fruit kernels, pure fragrance.
    Daily golden moon cakes
    Leather: Moon cake powder: 550 grams of Jishi powder: 35 grams of rhinopae: 250 grams
    Syfizer: 250 grams of water: 15 grams of cake skin improvement agent: 8 grams全蛋:50克rn  馅料:红莲蓉馅每个60克rn制作方法:将月饼粉、吉士粉倒在面案翻匀;开一个圆形锅,加入糖浆、 Mix the water, cake -skinned agent, whole egg, and yellow cream; stack the noodle dough with a stacked method; relax for about 1 hour. Divide the relaxed leather into a noodle agent per 20 grams.
    During the production, press the leather with the palm of the palm into a flat and round shape, put it in the filling to wrap it. Be careful not to leak the filling; put it in the baking tray paved with high temperature paper; The pattern is clear; after the molding pot is used to spray a little water on the surface of the moon cake to prevent white spots; put it in the bakery to bake; the fire temperature: 250 ° C, the temperature of the fire: 220 ° C; about 8 minutes of baking until the surface of the moon cake until the surface of the moon cake Remove it; cool the egg liquid after cooling about 40 ° C.
    The egg liquid and then baked in the oven; the temperature of the fire: 200 ° C, the temperature of the fire: 180; about 5 minutes.
    The moon cakes can be released on the surface of the moon cake. After cooling, brush the glitter to brighten.
    The characteristic: golden color, fragrance of entrance.
    corn moon cake
    Leather: corn flour: 700 grams of low -gluten powder: 300 grams of Gish powder: 100 grams
    syrup : 3 grams
    : Da oil: 300 grams of cooked sesame: 200 grams of cooked flour: 800 grams
    Sugar powder: 150 grams of cooked corn grain: 400 grams of water
    osmanthus: 50 grams Ripe coconut fluff: 100 grams of Jishi Fan: 50 grams
    Paping low -gluten powder, corn flour, and Jishi powder over the face case; open a circular pot, add syrup, water, cake skin improvement agent Stir well; add yellow cream and stir; stack it into a dough with a stacker; relax for about 1 hour.
    Puled the cooked flour on the face case, open a circular pot, add cooked sesame, sugar powder, and cooked corn kernels in turn; stack it with the method of stacked noodles; Until the group can be held by hand.
    The loose leather is divided into a 15 grams of noodles; the filling is divided into each 47 grams of stuffing group.
    During the production, press the leather with the palm of the palm into a flat and round shape, put it in the filling to wrap, and be careful not to leak the filling; put it in the baking sheet with high temperature paper; The pattern should be clear; after forming, spray a little water on the surface of the moon cake to prevent white spots on the surface of the moon cake; put it in the oven and bake; the temperature of the fire: 230 ° C, the temperature of the fire: 160 ° C, and bake for about 15 minutes.
    The moon cakes can be released on the surface of the moon cake. Cooling for a period of time brushing the glitter to brighten.
    The characteristic: pure taste, sweet corn.

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