kcc inc jewelry wholesaler How to choose the following 3 diamond rings?

kcc inc jewelry wholesaler

3 thoughts on “kcc inc jewelry wholesaler How to choose the following 3 diamond rings?”

  1. atlanta wholesale jewelry For the budget of 10,000 yuan, the subject wants to buy a diamond ring. There are relatively few objects to choose. The range of diamond rings of big brands can be narrow. However, if the subject really wants to buy a more decent diamond ring, you can try naked diamonds, find someone to design and process, and customize the diamond ring exclusive to your own.
    In fact, I personally think that buying a diamond ring does not need to pursue the brand. The diamonds are actually very precious regardless of the size. The reason why people have inherent love for diamonds are because of the passage of years, it can keep our love memory and precious and beautiful moments.
    The a while ago, Zhang Yuqi released a video on the Internet. She said, "Don't buy diamonds below one carat. The diamonds below one carat are collectively referred to as broken diamonds. The broken diamonds are worthless in the diamond and there is no collection value. "
    I I don't agree with her. Whether or not or not or not has a lot to do with personal subjective cognition. Some people think that chasing wealth is the emphasis of life, and some people think that physical health is the greatest wealth. Therefore, we do n’t need everyone to pursue the single material value of “one carat” r ​​ n. When I was in love with my husband before, when I saw his diamond bracelet on his birthday If you are not together, you can also feel that he is accompanied me, so he will have the courage to face the difficulties brought about by different places; for example, I ask my friends why I always wear a diamond ring, even if they do housework, they will not take it away. She will tell me the first gift that her husband gave her ...
    This that cannot be measured by money is the meaning of "long love" represented by diamonds.

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