wholesale jewelry pendants and charms What is the crime of "cabbage price" of Tomson's mansion "cabbage price"?

wholesale jewelry pendants and charms

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  1. sf wholesale jewelry Lujiazui, on the banks of the Huangpu River, there is a real estate. No one knows it in Shanghai.
    As early as August 2006, the total price of Tomson's single apartment was 130 million yuan, with an average price of more than 130,000 yuan / square meter, setting the highest record of domestic apartment transaction prices at that time. On October 30 this year, Shanghai Tomson Yipin's 35th floor -signed network signed with a total price of 205 million, an area of ​​597 square meters, and the unit price reached 343,000 yuan/square meter. The stay of many celebrities made this real estate more famous.
    At present, on the second -hand housing trading platform, Tomson's house price is 300,000 yuan/square meter high, and the low is 180,000/square meter. Moreover, because the real estate is 600, 700 square meters of luxury luxury luxury The total price is between 120 million and 200 million.
    ▲ Image source: A second -hand housing trading platform
    But recently, a Tomson Yipin house was put on an online auction. The starting price was only 50.14 million, not half of the market price!
    Daily Economic News (WeChat: NBDNEWS) reporters found out that the original owners of this luxury home were not the "Captain Ningbo Dead Team Captain" and "Private Equity Brother" Xu Xiang. The actual controller Xu Qin.
    In 2016 reports of CCTV, a total of 25,000 people involved in the Ponzi scheme of China -Jin Dynasty, and illegally absorbing about 40 billion yuan.
    In order to expand the fundraising, Xu Qin set up more than 220 companies in Shanghai, and Xu Yiyi had high yields. In order to maintain the Pang's scam, Xu Qin's "left -handed and right -handed" subsidy subsidiary's expenses per month were as high as 150 million yuan.
    Tangchen Yipin A set of real estate will conduct judicial auctions
    . The starting price "Only" 50.14 million
    On December 1, the People's Court Litigation Assets Network issued a auction announcement. The announcement stated:
    The people in the Lizhou District People's Court of Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province will be at 10:00 on January 4, 2018 to 10:00 on January 5, 2018 (except for delay) in the People's Court of Puzhou District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province Taobao judicial auction network platform conducts public auction activities.
    The auction bid: Real estate [including indoor fixed decoration] located in Room 3601, No. 3601, Shiqiao Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai.
    The starting price: 50.14 million yuan, margin: 8 million yuan, increase price increase: 200,000 yuan.
    ▲ Image source: The People's Court Litigation Assets Network
    The 28 Lane of Shiqiao Road, Garden, Pudong New District, Shanghai, is the location of Tomson.
    Daily Economic News reporters also found that the real estate has been hung on Taobao judicial auction.
    ▲ Photo Source: Taobao Judicial Auction Network
    The judicial auction announcement also said that interested bidders can consult and look like: the consultation time is the working day, the appearance time is January 3, 2018, January 3, 2018, the morning of January 3, 2018 At 9:30-10:30, the interested parties are requested to contact one day in advance (in the event of holidays, extending one day forward for one day).
    The former owner of the auction property
    Is it Xu Xiang or Xu Qin?
    Pelas of the judicial auction announcement in the court, some people pointed out that the owner of the housing owner located in the 3601 3601 of Tomson is the general rudder of the "Ningbo Daily Destry Board" in 2015. Former general manager Xu Xiang.
    , every editor (WeChat: NBDNEWS) inquires the information and learned that the mansion of the auctioned mansion was not Xu Xiang, but the Chinese version of Ponzi scheme "Zhongjin Department" illegal fund -raising case The party Xu Qin.
    ▲ Photo Source: Taobao Judicial Auction Network
    Pet some media mistakenly thought that this property was Xu Xiang's previous property, mainly because Xu Xiang had reported to Tomson Yipin real estate before. For example, as early as July 2012, "First Finance" reported that Xu Xiang bought a mansion in Shanghai Tomson Yipin, and usually went to work at the East Asian Bank Building opposite Tomson. Lunch was about 500 meters from East Asia Bank. Guojin Center. This is his main scope of activity.
    although the judicial auction announcement stated that the implementation of the case of this case is based on the legal documents: (2017) Zhejiang 0212 No. 9289 (please check the China Judgment Document Network) Essence
    ▲ Picture Source: China Judgment Document Network
    , Daily Economic Journalists found in the China Judgment Document Network that "Shanghai Yiyu Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. and Zhou Pengfei Civil Judgment of Lending Disputes" showed that At the same time, Shanghai Yiyu Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. borrowed 35 million yuan, and the real estate in Room 3601, No. 3601, No. 3601, Shiqiao Road, Garden, Pudong New District, Shanghai, was used as a mortgage.
    ▲ Picture Source: China Judgment Document Network
    Subsequently, Daily Economic News (WeChat: NBDNEWS) reporters in the national enterprise credit information publicity system found that Shanghai Yiyu Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. For Guotai Investment Holdings (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guota Group") and Zhongjin Asset Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zhongjin Assets").
    The country Pacific Holdings is the parent company of Zhongjin assets, and the actual controller is Xu Qin. In other words, Tomson Yipin No. 3601's listing controller is Xu Qin.
    The photos of showing wealth are led out of the Ponzi scam
    In early April 2016, a group of beautiful women showed their attention on the Internet.
    Sub -subsequent, the Economic Investigation Team of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau According to the public report, the Guota Group and Zhongjin Equity Investment Fund Management (Shanghai), which are suspected of illegally absorbing public deposits and illegal fund -raising fraud in Pudong, Huangpu, Jing'an and other places according to the masses. Company related to the "Zhongjin Department" related to Shanghai Zhongjin No. 1 equity investment fund Co., Ltd., such as Shanghai Zhongjin No. 1 Phase, and other companies, the actual controller Xu Qin and others were intercepted by the public security personnel at the airport when they were preparing to leave the country. The remaining 20 cores Organization members were also arrested on April 5, 2016.
    On June 22 this year, the Shanghai Second Intermediate People's Court opened the court to trial the case of 10 defendants including Guota Group and Xu Qin. The public prosecution agency accused: For the purpose of illegal possession, the defendant's unit Guota Group raised more than RMB 4 billion to the social unspecified public. The principal did not pay more than 4.8 billion yuan. The defendant's Guota Group, the defendant Xu Qin and other defendants, the directors and direct responsible persons responsible for the National Pacific Group, shall be held criminally responsible for fund -raising fraud. Xu Qin and other ten defendants pleaded guilty in court. The court announced the off -court and will be pronounced on a future.
    In the CCTV news report, Xu Qin's first company registered is a financial consulting company with the word "Zhongjin". He promised that the yield of 2%per month quickly raised 50 million yuan, which expanded Xu Qin's heart and set the goal of raising 5 billion yuan. To this end, he smashed the gold packaging company to set the venues in Jinmao Building, Global Financial Center, Bund 5th, etc., and the sales manager of Zhongjin became rich in the circle of friends.
    At the same time, the "Zhongjin Department" used high returns ranging from 10%to 25%to attract investors. Last year, it even launched products with a yield of up to 400%.
    ▲ Photo Source: Screenshot of CCTV News
    After raising funds, Xu Qin tried to find an investment project, but the return was too slow. As a result, he packed the company and fans to the capital market to go public, and then withdrew from profit. Xu Qin and the company executives have established more than 120 so -called physical companies in many places, which are Guota Holdings. According to police investigations, the company's short -term performance and trade air rotation, which is the so -called means of trade exchange and trade interception to increase the company's performance, and then increase the cost in the virtual performance. The company is subsidized.
    But this kind of left -handed game has made more than 120 subsidiaries of the "National Pacific Department" operating at a loss. The "Zhongjin Department" spends nearly 5 million yuan per day, and a month is 150 million yuan. In fact, Xu Qin also knows that there is no source of profit, all expenses and expenditures from investors are a Ponzi scam.
    It long -term injustice must be self -righteous.

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