halsread wholesale jewelry How about Beijing Zhenda Kang Technology Co., Ltd.?

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1 thought on “halsread wholesale jewelry How about Beijing Zhenda Kang Technology Co., Ltd.?”

  1. wholesale silver cremation jewelry Beijing Zhenda Kang Technology Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company (natural person investment or holding) registered in Tongzhou District, Beijing. The registered address is located at No. 9-721, Yongle Da Street, Yongleodian Town, Tongzhou District, Beijing.
    The unified social credit code/registration number of Beijing Zhenda Kang Technology Co., Ltd. is that the corporate legal person Xu Qindong is currently in a state of opening.
    The business scope of Beijing Zhenda Kang Technology Co., Ltd. is: technical promotion, technical development, technical services, technical consulting, technical transfer; sales of electronic products, computer software and auxiliary equipment, hardware and electricity, needle textiles, clothing shoes, shoes and shoes Hats, daily necessities, crafts (excluding cultural relics), communication equipment, jewelry, household appliances, chemical products (excluding hazardous chemicals), automobile accessories, cultural supplies, sporting supplies (excluding crossbow), metal materials, plastic products;数据处理;计算机系统集成;投资咨询;企业管理咨询;企业策划;经济贸易咨询;电脑图文设计;货物进出口、代理进出口、技术进出口;组织文化艺术交流活动;设计、制作、代理、 Published advertisements; engineering survey and design; sales of food; production and television programs. (Enterprises choose to operate projects in accordance with the law and carry out operating activities; sell food, radio and television programs, and projects that must be approved according to law, and carry out business activities after approval by relevant departments; The business activities of the project). In Beijing, the total registered capital of the company with similar operating scope is 801212.85 million yuan, and the main capital is concentrated in enterprises with a scale of more than 50 million, with a total of 7073. Within the province, the registered capital of the current enterprise is good.
    In Baidu Enterprise Credit View Beijing Zhendang Technology Co., Ltd. More information and information.

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