wholesale jewelry decatur al Why is India's GDP similar to China, but the loan interest rate is twice as high as China

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2 thoughts on “wholesale jewelry decatur al Why is India's GDP similar to China, but the loan interest rate is twice as high as China”

  1. jewelry australia wholesale India's GDP is similar to China? The difference is more than 4 times! India's GDP is only about $ 24 trillion, while China exceeds $ 11 trillion.
    As for the high loan interest rate in India, it is mainly similar to India's current situation as our situation in the 1990s. High, which leads to high interest rates. Unless India's industry can develop significantly and form a "overdue" situation for industrial and consumer goods, his loan interest rate can be reduced at that time. You must have seen that all the manufacturing powers like the United States and Japan are excessive, and the interest rates are very low, and it is unlikely what inflation occurs. The core of Abe's economics is to increase the inflation rate, but for many years, it has not been able to do so for many years, and it also shows that countries with excessive product manufacturing capabilities have a very low chance of inflation and high interest rates.

  2. wholesale florida jewelry How much the national power of China and India is a big gap. Economically, it is about 40%of India in the exchange rate GDP, that is, China's GDP is 1500 billion US dollars, and India is about $ 600 billion. PPP is 50%stronger in China. China exceeds US $ 60 billion and India has more than $ 30 billion. But I observed from another perspective that India's agriculture accounts for 28%of GDP and China accounts for 12%. India's grain output is about 40%to 45%of China, Indian grain output is about 200 million tons, China is up to 500 million tons, and last year was more than 470 million tons. In addition, China is far more than India in the production of economic crops and animal husbandry. China produces more than 300 million tons of vegetables, 50 million tons of fruits, and 50 million tons of aquatic products each year. Far more than India. India basically does not produce vegetables, Hindus is vegetarian, and there are very few meat production. India's agricultural output value is estimated to exceed 30%of China's agricultural output value from good aspects, and the difference is estimated to be about 20%to 25%. In fact, GDP should actually exceed 4 times more than India. Industrial production in China accounts for 56%of GDP, and India accounts for about 30%. But in fact, China's industry is about 6 to 8 times more than India. In 1978, China ’s major industries, agriculture and transportation, and the energy industry far exceeded the output of India in 2000.

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