where to buy wholesale jewelry boxes san diego How about Xumen Shenghua Trading (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.?

where to buy wholesale jewelry boxes san diego

1 thought on “where to buy wholesale jewelry boxes san diego How about Xumen Shenghua Trading (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.?”

  1. personalized jewelry wholesale Xumen Shenghua Trading (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company registered and established in Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province 2018-05-25. The registered address is located at No. 140 Health West Road, Ecological Culture Tourism Area, Huai'an City (1 Five-Jine Shuangchuang Industrial Park 1 Building 3 floors).
    The unified social credit code/registration number of Xumen Shenghua Trading (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. is that Xu Qinlong, a corporate legal person, is currently in a state of opening. rn徐门盛华商贸(江苏)有限公司的经营范围是:预包装食品、酒、日用百货、洗化用品、家用电器、服装、鞋帽、针纺织品、农副产品、五金配件、 Decoration materials, automobiles, automobile accessories and accessories, electronic products, jewelry sales; market research; business information consulting; corporate management consulting (excluding finance, stock, futures); technical development and technical services in the field of electronic technology professional; organizations; organizations; organizations; organizations; organizations; organizations; organizations; organizations; organizations; Cultural and artistic exchange activities; literary and artistic creation services; leisure and tourism services; design, production, and agency advertisements; freight agency; cargo storage (excluding dangerous goods); parking lot management services. (The projects that must be approved in accordance with the law can be carried out after approval by relevant departments). Within the province, the registered capital of the current enterprise is average.
    Che more information and information through Baidu Enterprise Credit View Xumen Shenghua Trading (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd..

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