wholesale costume pearl jewelry Relevant regulations on strengthening the management of halal food production and operation in Dalian City

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1 thought on “wholesale costume pearl jewelry Relevant regulations on strengthening the management of halal food production and operation in Dalian City”

  1. wholesale handwriting jewelry Article 1 In order to strengthen the management of halal food production and operation, respect the customs and habits of ethnic minorities with halal eating habits, better implement national policies, enhance national unity, and formulate these regulations in accordance with relevant national regulations. Article 2 The ethnic minorities that refer to the halal dietary habits in these regulations, including the Hui, Uyghur, Kazakhs, Kirgiz, Tagik, Uzbek, Tattar, Dongxiang, Saala, Baoan and other ethnic groups (referred to as Hui people, etc. minority). Article 3 Units and individuals and individuals such as slaughterhouses, meat processing plants, food factories, restaurants, food sales counters, and stalls that are specialized in the production and operation of halal food production and operation in Dalian City shall implement these regulations. Article 4 The municipal and county (cities) and district ethnic work departments shall strengthen the supervision, inspection and guidance of the production and operation of halal food in conjunction with the commercial, industrial and commercial administrative departments. Article 5 Units and individuals who apply for production and operation of halal foods shall, in addition to the conditions of production and operation food stipulated by the state, shall also have the following conditions:
    (1) The main person in charge of the unit shall be the Hui nationality Members of ethnic minorities; private and individual industrial and commercial owners must be members of ethnic minorities such as Hui people.
    (2) The main chefs, buyers, and custodians of the hotel must be members of the Hui ethnic minorities.
    (3) Among the employees, members of the Hui ethnic minorities accounted for not less than 25 %. Article 6 Units and individuals who apply for production and operation of halal food shall be reviewed and agreed by the competent department of the industry and the local ethnic work department in accordance with the regulations, go to the industrial and commercial administrative department to handle the "Business License", and then receive the "Halal Signing Sign" to the ethnic work department After that, you can open it.
    The halal food production and operation units and individual business households who have closed, suspending, transferring business, relocation, merger, and change of business projects for some reason must go to the original approval authority to go through the procedures for changing or cancellation. Among them, if the break -ups and changes are no longer from the production and operation of halal food, they should also be returned to the "Halal Sign". Article 7 Individual owners of units that produce and operate halal foods shall hang the "Halal Signs" issued by the citizen work department in a significant position in the production and operation venue. The "Halal Signs" must not be transferred or traded. Article 8 The units and individual owners who produce and operate halal foods must go to the halal slaughterhouse or dedicated to the halal counter and stalls to purchase raw materials such as cattle, sheep, chicken. Article 9 The halal slaughterhouse or dedicated to halal counter, stalls wholesale and sales of cattle, sheep, chicken, duck meat, etc. must have a provenance of halal slaughtering.
    The halal slaughterhouse slaughtering cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks and other poultry and animals should be slaughtered in strict accordance with halal habits. Article 10 The off -the -aged food counter set up in the non -halal shopping mall (store) shall sell more than three meters from pork and its products counter. The service staff shall not mix with the service staff of the non -halal counter. Article 11 Tools, containers, equipment, etc. of processing, transportation, storage, measurement, packaging, packaging, and sales of halal food must be dedicated and specified for storage. Article 12 The staff of non -Hui ethnic minorities such as the non -Hui ethnic minorities who work in the halal food production and operation unit and individual households, as well as customers who go to the halal restaurant to dine at the halal hotel, must respect the customs and habits of ethnic minorities such as Hui people. Foods for taboos of ethnic minorities. Article 13 Units and individual owners who produce and operate halal foods violate these regulations and are violating national policies shall be criticized by the ethnic working department to criticize education and order to correct them within a time limit. For industrial and commercial administration, the administrative department of industry and commerce shall be punished by the industrial and commercial administrative department in accordance with relevant regulations, suspending business rectification, and revoking the "Industrial and Agriculture License". Article 14 Units and individual owners who have been engaged in halal food production and operation before the release of these regulations shall be conducted and reviewed by the ethnic work department in conjunction with the commercial and industrial and commercial administrative departments. Those who pass the inspection and review will be issued to the "Halal Sign"; those who are not qualified shall be ordered to correct the time limit. Article 15 These regulations shall be explained by the Dalian Municipal Ethnic Affairs Committee. Article 16 These regulations shall be implemented from the date of release.

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