alloy jewelry wholesale How to join the snowy and halal sheep miscellaneous sheep

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  1. wholesale name brand jewelry Sheep miscellaneous is a well -known traditional snack of Wu Zhong. It is well -known for making unique and long history. Wuzhong flavor sheep's miscellaneous returning home has a strong characteristics and good taste. It is not only a variety of breakfast loved by locals, but also developed into a gourmet brand called nationwide in Wuzhong City. In 1994, it was named "National Famous Food Food". In April 2010, it was rated as a national snack.
    Wu Zhongxue Xiangyu Halal Health Co., Ltd.'s chain business franchise department expanded a food processing plant in Dongta Halal Industry Zone, Wuzhong City, Ningxia, and is also the central kitchen of various chain franchise stores in the country. Products from all over the country come from this central kitchen. All raw materials for bone soup and beef and sheep miscellaneous franchise, uniform procurement, assembly line cleaning, and uniformly adopt 24 flavoring square seasonings uniform seasoning and cooking, using instantaneous frozen technology, only the latter chefs of franchise stores in various places only need to make the final final. Simple process processing processes, thereby ensuring that all localities can make uniform cattle and sheep.
    All raw materials for the halal beef and sheep miscellaneous raw materials for the halal cattle and sheep miscellaneous green foods, of which the main raw ingredients are selected from good species beef beef, Ningxia Beach sheep, strict quarantine, factorized slaughter, repeated flowing water for the first time, After discharge and segmentation, it is packed with 24 kinds of spices and packaged with traditional craftsmanship and materials, which guarantees the "safety, hygiene, nutrition, and freshness" of raw ingredients. In order to ensure that every consumer can eat safe and healthy products, every process produced by Xueyu Cattle and Sheep Miscellaneous Franchise Strictly implements food safety control measures, and strengthen product sanitation inspection and quality guarantee. What consumers need is what we must work hard.
    This Xueyu Halal Cow and Sheep Miscellaneous Join takes the needs of consumers as the starting point, combined with local tastes and consumption habits, and a number of food and nutrition experts to develop unique flavors of cattle and sheep miscellaneous, and continuously lead people's consumer concepts. 88 kinds of cattle and sheep miscellaneous dishes that are suitable for the flavors of various places, and more than ten kinds of hot pot dried pots, the operating scenes are very hot. The business philosophy of Xueyu Halal Cow and Sheep Joining: "Clean, healthy, and safety is the only choice." Food companies are moral enterprises. Food safety has become the hottest public health theme and has become the most concerned thing for every consumer. In order to enable consumers to eat safe and assured cattle and sheep miscellaneous, the Xueyu Halal Cattle Miscellaneous joining the business philosophy of "cleaning, health, and safety is the only choice" when determining the development goals of the enterprise.
    Themids (tongue, head meat, heart, heart, liver, lung, intestine, belly, hoof, tail, kidney, whip, etc.) can be exported with the processing methods of halogen, burning, stewing, mixing, and fried. The 88 -class high -class dishes with different tastes are relatively affordable. The dishes made by cattle and sheep miscellaneous have the advantages of fresh and fragrant, endless aftertaste, and can not eat for a long time. The concept of grass and the ancient pharmacopoeia records that the different parts of the cattle and sheep mixed parties have spleen and stomach, nourishing blood and kidney, strengthening muscles and bones, enhancing immunity, nourishing health, beauty and beauty. Recently, food nutrition experts have found that beef bone soup contains other soups. The rich and dirty and osteogenesis substances of the analogy, long -term consumption of beef bone soup foods have a significant anti -aging effect. At the same time, the chain franchise business expansion department will jointly launch more than 10 new dishes per quarter to meet consumer consumption every quarter to meet the consumption of various places. Different tastes and nutritional needs.
    This Xueyu halal cattle and sheep miscellaneous joining based on first -class brand image and deep Chinese food culture, attach importance to the factors of franchisees, and strive to open the franchise stores of Xueyu halal beef and sheep miscellaneous franchise through the joint efforts of everyone. Go all over the country, so that most consumers across the country can eat delicious cattle and sheep at home.
    The theory of medicine and food in China since ancient times, with related medicinal centers recorded sheep heart [sexual flavors] Gan, warm. ① "Materia Medica Sutra": "Wen Ping." ② "Outline": "Gan, Wen, non -toxic." [Function Indications-The Efficacy of Yangxin] Relaxation, nourishing the heart. Treatment of qi and shock. ① "Do not record": stop worrying about qi. ② "Food therapy Materia Medica" tonic. ③ "Success and Destiny Spectrum": Treatment of Lao liver. Sheep liver [Sexual flavor] bitter, cool. ① "Tang Bencao": cold, "Outline" bitter, cold, non -toxic. ③ "Following the Best Diet": Gan, cool. [Indications] Blood, nourishing the liver, tomorrow. Treatment of blood deficiency and yellowing, dirty liver deficiency eyes, bustling eyes, blue blindness, obstacles. ① "Medicine theory": The bright eyes of Qingyang liver service. ② "Thousands of Gold • Food Zhi": nourishing the liver, bright eyes. ③ "Tang Bencao": Healing liver wind deficiency. The eyes are dark, and seven raw and liver liver. ④ "Modern Practical Traditional Chinese Medicine": suitable for yellowing, postpartum anemia, tuberculosis, child weakness, and vitamin C formal A lack of eye disease (eye, night blindness, etc.). Sheep lung [Sexual flavor] Gan, Ping. ① "Thousands of Gold • Food Zhi": Ping. ② "Materia Medica Jing": Wen Ping. ③ "Outline": Gan, warm, non -toxic. [Indications] Nourishing lung qi, water adjustment. Treatment of lung cough, thirst, unfavorable urination or frequency. ① "Do not record": nourish the lungs, the main cough. ② "Thousands of Gold • Food Treatment": Relaxing thirst, having a lot of urination, injuries, insufficient complement, and evil. ③ "Outline": passing lung qi, small urination, and detoxifying water. Belly belly [Sexual flavor] Gan, warm. ① "Materia Medica Jing": Wen, Ping. ② "Outline": Gan, warm, non -toxic. [Function and Indications] Supplement, strengthen the spleen and stomach. Treatment of deficiency and thinness, ca n’t eat, thirst, night sweats, frequent urination. ① "Thousands of Gold • Food Zhi": The main stomach is reversed. Treatment of deficiency, urinating numbers, stop sweating. ② "Materia Medica": Nourish timidity, spleen. Therefore, sheep miscellaneous health effects are extremely high

    因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因 因, pursue excellence!

    Coustically establish a modern corporate image, leading the development of the snack chain industry!

    business philosophy: "clean, healthy, safety is the only choice"!

    sincere cooperation, sincere cooperation, Harmonious development!

    Filled advantages:
    one wish: realize the desire to do business;
    two reductions: reduce market risks, reduce operating risks;
    three of them get three obtained : Get well -known brands, receive proprietary technologies, and get intangible assets;
    four support: support of site selection demonstration, support of technical training, support for material distribution, and management development support.
    Franchise store operation management:
    I unified image recognition: chain store uses a unified CI identification system.
    I unified quality standards: The headquarters provides the unified uniform of the following five quality standards for chain franchise stores: the unified production of raw material companies, unified taste deployment of taste, soup according to unified standards, unified distribution of main ingredient companies, and unified kitchen facilities, so as The same deliciousness can be made in different regions.
    I unified management mode: The headquarters provides a unified management system document for the chain store, and daily management is performed in accordance with the standards.
    I uniform service specifications: provide customers with standardized and standardized services to ensure a good social image of "snowy cattle and sheep miscellaneous".
    I unified supply channels: perfect distribution system, reduce purchase costs, and enhance price advantages.
    I unified price policies: implement a unified price policy for franchise stores.
    I unified advertising promotion: unified poster, unified publicity color pages, supporting support from mainstream media advertisements all year round.
    I unified supervision and guidance: The headquarters supervise and guide the operating conditions of each franchise store to ensure the effective operation of the entire organization.
    Ceram's rights

    brand support: The intangible assets of well -known brands win the trust of customers.
    Evaluation support: conduct comprehensive market forecasts and project evaluation for franchise stores.
    Design support: The headquarters is designed for the facade and interior graphic design for the franchise store, and provides a complete "Decoration Design Handbook" and bidding documents.
    The training support: Headquarters conduct comprehensive technology and management training for franchise stores.
    Management support: The headquarters provides regular guidance for franchise stores in terms of product prices, services, information and other aspects, and gives irregular technology and management training according to the requirements of the franchisees.
    Logistics support: Provide the required master, ingredients and items for franchise stores.
    A business upgrade support: The comprehensive industrial structure reserves room for business upgrades for franchise stores.
    Franchise conditions:
    Volid application to join the snow domain halal beef sheep miscellaneous chain system
    The independent legal person qualifications
    The recognition chain operating philosophy and operating mode and snow domain culture
    With a certain amount of capital strength and good business reputation
    The cultural level above high school, honesty and trustworthiness, physical health

    Filial method:
    The business philosophy of the company's mutual benefit and common development
    The annual franchise fee for the franchise of the sheep miscellaneous chain is 3,000 yuan. The franchise fee is 1,000 yuan the first raw material model seasoning model ingredients part of the logistics model). The following 4 times the raw material is charged (the franchise fee is 500 yuan the first raw material model seasoning ingredients some logistics models).
    The annual franchise fee of 3800 yuan for the franchise of the beef chain. In order to reduce the pressure of the franchise stores, it is charged in 5 stages. Type) Search for 4 times when the raw material is issued (500 yuan for franchise fee first raw material model seasoning model ingredients part of logistics models)
    joining content:
    Niu Miscelas (88 species)
    The Wuzhong Xianxiang Stewed Sheep Miscellaneous Sheep Miscellaneous Balcut Barbecue Sheep Miscellaneous dishes (38 species)
    Reference sales
    sheep series:
    morning: stewed sheep miscellaneous ( Mainly selling all places in the form of early form can be adjusted according to local consumption habits as appropriate)
    noon: Small fried vegetables of sheep miscellaneous dishes (can be adjusted according to local consumption habits according to local consumption habits)
    Cado Barbecue sheep miscellaneous dishes (can be adjusted as appropriate according to local consumption habits in various places)
    Niu series:
    Morning: stewed beef miscellaneous (mainly selling in the early form of sale can be adjusted as appropriate according to local consumption habits)
    Noon: Small fried vegetables of beef dishes (can be adjusted according to local consumption habits according to local consumption habits)
    In evening: beef hotpot beef and beef grilled beef miscellaneous dishes (can be adjusted as appropriate according to local consumption habits)
    barbecue barbecue The market is popular year by year
    Thexiaxing beef and mutton, beef and sheep miscellaneous barbecue, selected meat, boutique cattle and sheep miscellaneous, seasonal fruits and vegetables as raw materials, use traditional Xinjiang barbecue formula, and use smoke -free grill furnaces. Bake out characteristics, bake deliciousness, and bake health. As the consumption of the barbecue market has increased year by year, barbecue has been loved by consumers. Everyone loves barbecue, has a good consumption foundation, loves between men, women, and children, has great market potential, and streets and alleys are everywhere. They have become one of the main force of the catering industry. ,Invincible.
    The long -lasting hot pot market
    The company invited Chongqing hot pot famous cabinet to stir -fry the bottom of the snowy beef sheep and the hot pot bottom material, with Ningxia wolfberry, Ningxia beach mutton, beach sheep heart, Qinchuan fat beef, dividing The liver, lungs, belly, intestines, and timely vegetables of the liver, lungs, belly, intestines, and timely, etc. Chongqing hot pot is "spicy and delicious and coordinated with each taste, long aftertaste", which is confused about the appetite of the north and south of the river. The "Chongqing Hot Pot" market is wide and prosperous. The hot pot market has been in a long time, and it has been popular in the north and south, making countless consumers love it. It is rich in ingredients and many tastes. The authentic Sichuan -flavored red soup hot pot spicy flavor is strong, the hot and scent of hot vegetables is delicious, delicious and delicious, and the fragrance is fragrant. The soup is red and bright, spicy and refreshing, not bitter or dry, mellow, and long aftertaste. Clear soup hot pot can better reflect the taste of shabu. The flavor of the bottom of the pot is elegant, the taste is refreshing, the lungs are clear, and the lungs are not greasy and nutritious. These characteristics are just in line with people's pursuit of healthy and original food concepts.
    Classic foods have been circulated for thousands of years.
    Themanently in traditional classic cattle and sheep miscellaneous foods in various places, it has been circulating for thousands of years. It has become the representative of the Chinese catering industry. Demand, many tastes, rich dishes, let consumers satisfy and eat, see the characteristics from small dishes, see culture from classics, are delicious and not expensive.
    The special model of one -eaten traditional catering shops with special stew, shabu, and roasting. The innovation adopts multi -characteristic composite business model, running through barbecue, hot pot and classic food markets. The whole year's business is hot, and the elderly, middle -aged, and young people don't like it.
    Franchise image support:
    Is 2 product posters (800*2000mm), one product promotional light box (1000*1000), a license franchise certificate, one door, a set of articles of association r
    This method and operation of some dishes.
    Wuzhong Xueyu Halal Health Co., Ltd. Chain franchise business expansion department is the branch department of Wuzhong Xueyu Halal Industry Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in chain store tableware, chain shop clothing, chain shop supporting facilities, various seasonings, special cattle, special cattle Sheep miscellaneous soup and meat distribution.
    On the basis of inheriting the traditional Ningxia Wuzhong Niu Yang miscellaneous soup material, this center combines modern fast food business philosophy to develop and develop special soup regulatory soup and cooking materials, and use high -quality raw materials to produce soup. The amount of fine ingredients has also made scientific regulations to ensure that consumers enjoy nutritious and healthy green food. Special market management and supervision teams have been established to provide high -quality distribution services for the company's direct -operated stores and franchise stores.
    The concept of "integrity and quality service every day" is used to provide social services to provide customers with a one -stop and perfect service for customers.
    The introduction of Ningxia Wuzhong City Xueyu Grandromes Company:
    Ningxia Wuzhong Xueyu Halal Industry Company is a professional beef and sheep buying sale of beef and lamb in Ningxia Chaoyang meat industry Comprehensive company. The year's slaughter, acquisition, and processing of more than 120,000 sheep and more than 20,000 cows or more. The annual cleaning of deep -processed sheep is crushed more than 200,000 sets of beef and more than 30,000 sets. The production department, sales department, finance department, market supervision department, franchise development department, etc. It is mainly engaged in cattle and sheep slaughtering in the developed regions of animal husbandry in the northwest (Qinghai and Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Ningxia, Ningxia Shaanxi, Gansu, Gansu, Ningxia). All kinds of halal beef and mutton and by -products wholesale, cargo deployment and transportation, and comprehensive companies that provide information services to related industries; branches: snowy meat industry, snow areas, snow areas, snow areas. Wuzhong City, Ningxia, who is in the south of the Yangtze River, is located at the junction of the company's largest halal beef and mutton wholesale market u003Cu003C China Ningxia River Bridge Halal Lamb wholesale Market >> and u003Cu003C Ningxia River Bridge Live Beast Trading Market >> It is located in the five pastures in the northwest of Ningxia in the central and northern part of Ningxia, with convenient transportation. The Beijing -Tibet Highway runs through Wuzhong's territory. It is 45km from Yinchuan Hedong Airport. The company has set up 5 offices in Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai, Shaanxi and other major pastures. 20 The remaining information collection points and the acquisition point can master the latest supply capacity, supply and demand information, price market and other related information in major pastoral and mutton, beef sheep by -products, cattle and sheep by -products in the northwest.清真牛羊肉,藏系牦牛系列产品羊胴体,剔骨牛肉,鲜牛肉,鲜羊肉,排酸牛肉,排酸羊肉,礼盒排酸清真牛羊肉,礼盒清真鹿肉,牛下水,羊杂,牛羊Oil, dividing mutton, dividing beef, sheep prenatin, beef whip powder, testicular capsules, wolfberry powder, beef bone, sheep bone, casing, lambskin, live animal sheep and other bulls related to cow sheep related.
    Xueyu Meat Company has introduced advanced refrigeration equipment and dividing production lines at home and abroad to have independent professional acid databases, quick -frozen libraries and refrigerated libraries. The halal beef and mutton product.
    Xueyu Meat Industry: The main business of halal and cold fresh meat (cold fresh halal beef mutton, beef sheep by -product, beef and mutton subdivided split) Fastener snack series, nutrition and nourishing series, diet health products series, sauce braised series, barbecue series, braised series) a total of more than 70 series of more than 70 products.
    The Snow Real Estate: Mainly operated the procurement, transportation, sales and cow and sheep supply and demand information services. It has established a stable cooperative relationship in the northwestern cattle and sheep slaughtering factories and the cattle and sheep trading market.
    Thisy transportation industry: assist in handling highways, railways, aviation transportation and all related affairs. The aviation rapid distribution department can send fresh beef and mutton and meat products to Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Zhengzhou and other more than 30 large and medium -sized cities across the country. The company can reduce the freight to the minimum through the efforts of all parties. 0.8 yuan / kg-4.5 yuan / kg).
    The types and average constitution of cattle and sheep in the northwest pasta
    (1) Beach sheep: mainly distributed in Ningxia 60 %, Gansu 32 % Inner Mongolia Shaanxi, 8 % 2.5 -year -old sheep, 48.5kg, 20.064kg body weight 20.064kg The meat production rate is 41.9 %
    (2) China Mer Mer Miruans: mainly distributed in Xinjiang, northern Gansu, Inner Mongolia 2.5 -year -old sheep weighs 51.9kg, 22.94kg meat production rate 44.54 %
    (3 three (three three ) Xinjiang Fine Mao Sheep: It is mainly distributed in Xinjiang, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia 2.5 -year -old sheep weighing 65.6kg of bodies weight 30.7kg meat production rate 46.79 %
    (4) Aohan fine hair sheep: mainly distributed in Inner Mongolia. Shaanxi. Ningxia. 2.5 -year -old sheep weighs 53kg of 53kg body weight 22.93kg meat production rate 43.28 %

    four major series of cold and fresh beef mutton:
    (1) Fresh beef mutton (2) Spafulness of beef mutton segmentation Product (3) Edivation of Meat Series (IV) Franchise store supporting meat and beef and sheep miscellaneous
    The company has introduced advanced refrigeration equipment and dividing production lines at home and abroad to have an independent professional acid database. The halal beef and mutton product, the newly launched cooling and sour meat is a kind of "post -cooked" process advocated by modern meat science. "Safe sour meat" is the meat that completes the mature process. The mature meat is soft and juicy, it is easy to chew, and it is easy to digest and absorb the human body.
    The lamb after cooling acid, its flesh is soft, elastic, good and rotten, delicate, delicious, low -fat, less cholesterol, less heavy metal pollution, various mineral elements contained in various mineral elements contained in various mineral elements Multiple, unsaturated fatty acids are rich in content, rich in free amino acid content, essential amino acids are more balanced, the meat is tender, tastes good, no taste, rich in calcium iron and other minerals and the human body must be. The advantages of high nutritional value. Ewanic acids have reached almost 100%of the market share in developed countries, so "sour meat" is a true high -quality meat.
    The characteristics of the rows of sore meat are:
    1. Color: the flesh is bright red and darker
    2. The taste: no smell and oxalic acid flavor
    , taste: smooth and tenderness of the meat texture: smooth and tenderness Oral
    4. Nutrition: Protein is easily absorbed by the human body
    5. Safety: It does not contain harmful substances, consumption safety.
    The characteristics of fake sour meat or non -sour meat are:
    1. Color: The blood red surface of the meat lacks luster
    2, taste: smell and oxalic acid flavor
    3, taste: meatwood, not easy to rot
    4. Nutrition: Protein is not easy to absorb
    5. Safety: Harmful substances, unsafe consumption.
    It: Various professional meat products and by -products can be customized according to different customers.
    SE product series:
    The Chinese food series divided meat Western food series divided meat Korean barbecue series division beef beef -bald products series sheep by -product series
    packaging category:
    ) Outside packaging box: Paper outside the paper: Outside of paper Box plastic preparation bag insulation box
    ) Internal packaging box: vacuum bag thermal shrinking bag plastic wrap

    company cultural concept: Healthy meat carefully manufactured.
    The sheep crushed
    In said that Genghis Khan was on the way to Xixia, and was besieged by the Wildshan Wild Ridge near Yulin, Shaanxi. In helpless, the logistical personnel put the original waste, hoof, liver and lungs, etc., which were originally discarded with water, and chopped them into pieces with a knife. Wash and chop the wild coriander in the pot, and stew into a pot of fragrant soup. After the generals and soldiers tasted, they all praised the taste of the soup. It was several times better than the dishes such as barbecue lamb that were eaten on weekdays. The years have passed, and the soldiers in the army have returned to the people one after another, and the production methods of sheep soup have also been passed on to the people. After many years of further organizing, improving, and processing of folk chefs, it has gradually formed a highly national dish on the dining tables in various places.
    This is not only delicious and delicious, but also rich in nutrition, easy to digest and absorb, especially sheep liver, as well as clear liver and eyesight effects. Sheep miscellaneous food is a food made of traditional craftsmanship. The key is to have a higher hygiene and quality. The snowy and halal sheep crushing strictly control the quality of the product. The raw materials are used by the fresh cricket belly slaughtered on the day of Ningxia Beach. All products are processed on the day of processing and cleaning sheep miscellaneous processing process. All handmade cleaning is used, and no chemical chemicals that are harmful to human health are not added with alkaline and hydrogen peroxide. Clean, try to make consumers rest assured.

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