xuping jewelry wholesale in mumbai How about Qinghai Anyi Halal Food Co., Ltd.?

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1 thought on “xuping jewelry wholesale in mumbai How about Qinghai Anyi Halal Food Co., Ltd.?”

  1. grill jewelry wholesale Qinghai Anyi Halal Food Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company (natural person investment or holding) registered in Tianda County, Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province. Essence
    The unified social credit code/registration number of Qinghai Anyi Halal Food Co., Ltd. is that the corporate legal person Wang Yilong is currently in the opening state.
    The operating scope of Qinghai Anyi Halal Food Co., Ltd. is: processing, freezing, breeding, and sales of livestock and poultry fixed slaughtering, halal food food processing, freezing, breeding, and sales; processing, processing, wholesale, retail. Within the province, the registered capital of the current enterprise is excellent.
    In Baidu Enterprise Credit View Qinghai Anyi Halal Food Co., Ltd. More information and information.

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