butterfly jewelry wholesale Regulations on Ping An Construction, Guangdong Province

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  1. jewelry wholesale com Chapter 1 General Principles Article 1 In order to improve the level of social governance modernization, create a social governance pattern of co -construction, co -governance sharing, promote the construction of Ping An and Guangdong, and formulate these regulations in accordance with relevant laws and administrative regulations, combine the actual situation of the province. Article 2 These regulations are applicable to the construction and supervision and management activities in the administrative area of ​​the province. Article 3 Ping An Construction adheres to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adheres to the people -centered, adheres to the development and security of the people, adheres to the co -construction and co -governance sharing, and adheres to the combination of systematic governance, governance, comprehensive governance, source governance, and special governance. Article 4 The main task of Ping An Construction is:

    (1) Maintain national political security;

    (2) Prevent and resolve social risks and contradictions;
    n n n n n n n n n n R n (3) crack down on various types of crimes in accordance with the law;

    (4) Establish and improve the social security prevention and control system;

    (5) Strengthen safety production and emergency management Work;

    (6) Improve the real population service management mechanism;

    (7) Improve the grassroots social governance mechanism;
    n (8) Country And other safety construction tasks stipulated in the province. Article 5 The Ping An Organization Coordination Agency is responsible for unified deployment, organizational coordination, and guiding and supervising the safety construction of the area under the leadership of party committees at the same level.

    The safety construction organization coordination agency shall determine the relevant units in the jurisdiction as a member unit for Ping An construction according to the needs of Ping An Construction and implement dynamic adjustments. Each member unit shall carry out the work in accordance with the statutory responsibilities, and implement the work responsibility system and leadership responsibility system in accordance with the list of power and responsibilities of Ping An construction. Article 6 The people's governments at or above the county level shall incorporate safety construction into the national economic and social development plans and annual plans, fulfill the relevant duties of Ping An construction, and include the work funding for Ping An construction in their fiscal budgets.

    The township people's governments and sub -district offices are responsible for safety construction in their own administrative areas, and organize and carry out work in group defense and grassroots safety. Article 7 The Center for Social Security Comprehensive Governance shall integrate social governance resources, innovate social governance methods, improve scheduling, sub -office, and coordinated working mechanisms, coordinate and promote illegal crime investigation prevention and control, contradictions and disputes, resolution, and social security hazards. Organize the publicity activities of safety construction, and strengthen the supervision and inspection of the comprehensive management of social security in various regions and departments in the jurisdiction.

    The people's governments at all levels and the coordination agencies of Ping An Construction Organization shall strengthen the standardization and physical construction of the comprehensive management center of social security, and be equipped with the necessary office spaces and personnel. Chapter 2 Infrastructure Article 8 The people's governments at all levels shall improve the three -dimensional and information social security prevention and control system, strengthen social security prevention and control networks, key industries' public security prevention and control networks, townships (streets), and village (community) public security The internal security prevention and control network of institutions and enterprises and institutions, and the construction of the information network prevention and control network, and improve the social security prevention and control operation mechanism. Article 9 The Provincial Ping An Organization Coordination Agency shall formulate a general plan for the intelligent construction of Ping An Guangdong, establish and improve the information sharing mechanism of Ping An Construction, promote the application of public safety video resource networking, and improve the level of intelligent construction and informatization. Article 10 The people's governments at all levels shall establish and improve the management mechanism of grass -roots grid service, and scientifically divide grids in accordance with the principles of territorial management, standard unified, and dynamic adjustments, standardize the management of grid work matters, strengthen the construction of grid team teams, exert their performance Grid management of the basic role in the construction of grassroots level. Article 11 The judicial administrative department shall improve the public legal service system, strengthen the construction of public legal service platforms, improve the legal consultant system for village (community), and encourage legal workers such as legal experts, lawyers, notaries, people's medium members, and colleges and universities. Professional students of law, give play to professional advantages to carry out publicity of the rule of law and provide public legal services. Article 12 The health and health departments shall establish and improve the social psychological service system and crisis intervention mechanism with the public security, judicial administration, education, and civil affairs departments, improve the social psychological service talent training mechanism, build a grass -roots social psychological service platform, and strengthen publicity of psychological health knowledge. , Guide, consulting services, etc., promote social psychological services and education to enter schools, communities, units, and families. Article 13 The Ping An Organization Organization Coordination Agency and member units shall carry out the construction of safety culture, promote the education of the core values ​​of socialism, the culture of rule of law cultural education, safety education, and citizen's moral construction, and improve the safety cultural literacy of citizens. Chapter 3 Social Risk Prevention and Control Article 14 The people's governments and relevant departments at all levels shall establish and improve the social risk assessment mechanism for major decision -making, and use social risk assessment as a pre -procedure for major decisions to prevent and reduce social contradictions caused by improper decisions. Essence

    people's governments at all levels and relevant departments shall administer the law in accordance with the law, strictly enforce the law, strengthen production supervision, disaster prevention and mitigation, emergency management and other work, optimize public services, improve social security and social assistance systems, prevent, prevent, and prevent, prevent, and prevent, prevent, and prevent them. Reduce social risks.

    M relevant departments shall unblock and standardize the channels for expressing, coordination of interests, and rights and interests of the masses, and guide the public to reasonably express their interests in accordance with the law. Article 15 The people's governments and relevant departments at all levels shall establish and improve the investigation and early warning system for hidden dangers of social risks, regularly investigate hidden dangers of various social risks, strengthen risk research and judgment, and report early warning information for risks that may affect social stability.

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