wholesale beads wholesale jewelry supply distributors What specialties are there in Fuzhou?

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5 thoughts on “wholesale beads wholesale jewelry supply distributors What specialties are there in Fuzhou?”

  1. sterling silver turkish jewelry wholesale 1. Hibiscus Lee
    Frhog Li, also known as China Lee, is a specialty of Fujian, has a 700 -year cultivation history. Furong Li is planted in Fujian, western Fujian, east of Fujian, northern Fujian, and in Wutong Town and Songkou Town, Yongtai County, Fujian, Longxi Village, Hanyang Village, Dongliu Town, Wuding County, Wing County, Yongding County, Longyan City. Yong'an City, Xiyang Town, Liancheng County Sibao Town, and Tantou Town, Fu'an City are the most famous.
    2, renovation lacquerware
    is one of the three treasures of Fuzhou, with a history of more than 200 years. Its texture is strong and lightweight, the shape is elegant and unique, the color is magnificent and bright, the decoration is fine, strong and durable. It has a unique national style and strong local characteristics.
    3, Fuzhou Cork Painting
    Fuzhou Cork Painting, also known as wooden painting. Fuzhou Cork Painting is a famous traditional craft in China. Fuzhou Cork Painting is one of the "Three Sights in Rongcheng". It is made of bark bark (commonly known as cork). Wait screen, screen, size ornaments.
    4, Pingtan Bagua
    Pingtan Biao is a specialty of Fuzhou, Fujian, and is a unique traditional handicraft with unique art. Using the natural color, texture, and shape of the shell, artistic and articles that are made of artistic ideas, grinding carvings, and artworks have the beauty of the natural beauty of shells, the beauty of sculpture techniques, and the beauty of Chinese painting.
    5, Shoushan stone carving
    Shoushan stone carving, one of the Chinese folk carving art. Shoushan stone carving techniques are rich and diverse, and they are superb and cooked. During the development process, they have been widely used, combining the carving skills and art essence of Chinese painting and various folk crafts.
    Reference materials Source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Fuzhou
    Reference materials Source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Furong Lee
    Reference Data Source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Born Lacquer Water N Software painting
    Reference materials Source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Pingtan Bagua n Reference Data Source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Shoushan Stone Carving

  2. wholesale art guns jewelry.com Fuzhou specialty products include olives, blessings, longan, litchi, hibiscus, jasmine tea, renovated lacquerware, wood painting, wood carvings, paper umbrellas, shellfish, porcelain, etc.

    Fuzhou corner comb is a traditional Chinese brand product. It has been displayed at the "World Expo" held in Panama, Chicago, Canada, and won the Gold Medal and Golden Shield Award. The Fuzhou corner comb is raw material for the southern buffalo horns and the cotton horns in the north. The processing of the corner comb is fine. A corner comb is made from raw materials to products. It needs to go through twenty -five processes to make each corner combination and shiny, light and mirror, and now add new varieties. The craftsmanship, carefully drawing the patterns of more than 10 birds and beasts such as tiger, leopard, lion, and elephant, and southern country flowers and plants. The picture is vivid and never faded. It is welcomed by customers at home and abroad.

    olive: one of the famous fruits in Fuzhou, including lilac, Huiyuan, Changying and other famous products. It can be processed into olives, licorice olives, and spiced fruits, which are popular with tourists.

    Fuji: One of the famous fruits of Fuzhou, bright red, sweet and sour, most of them are sold to the North China market. The effect of reducing phlegm and cough, warm stomach and spleen.

    Longan: One of the six famous fruits in Fujian. The fruit is sweet and delicious. Longan dry is nourishing famous products.

    lychee: One of the famous fruits in Fujian. After the Tang Dynasty, it was a tribute. Food is loved by Chinese and foreign tourists.

    Furong Lee: Yongtai County is the most famous, sweet and sour, high quality, fresh food, can also be processed into Yingzi, Li Shi, Li Xian, Li Cake, etc. commodity.

    Fuzhou paper umbrella is one of the three treasures of Fuzhou, which has a long history. This kind of paper umbrella is very fine. Workers use oil paintings, colorful painting spray flowers and silk prints to draw patterns such as flowers, birds, landscapes, characters, etc. on paper umbrellas, which are very elegant and beautiful. A high -quality paper umbrella can still be deformed after holding and recovering more than 10,000 times, soaking in the water for 24 hours without deterioration, and without deterioration at the high temperature of nearly 50 degrees Celsius. In addition to the best -selling domestic market, Fuzhou Paper Umbrella is also selling well in many countries and regions in the world.

    not because of its name, but because of the name of the grass, the Ma Yantao in the suburbs of Fuzhou, commonly known as Taiwan grass, is derived from Taiwan Province, it is the same as the Ulacao in Northeast China and the Panama grass in South America. The name of the world is known as the "three treasure grass" in the world. The horse's grass is triangular, long and soft, and uses various straw products, such as straw hats, handbags, bed mats, etc. It is delicate, smooth, tough, durable, and strong in heat dissipation. It is popular with users.

  3. nautical jewelry wholesale Fuzhou jasmine tea, Lianjiang abalone, Pingtan Shuixian flower, Yongtai hibiscus Li Gan, Yongtai hibiscus, Changle Zhanggang sea mussels, Fuzhou Fuju, Fuzhou renucting lacquerware, tea mouth powder, seven realm tea, Changle Qingshan longan, etc. Em

  4. wholesale pearl jewelry usa A list of specialty products in the country, this is all right, to buy Dongdong
    1, Beijing Beijing Yali, Jingbai Pear, White Chicken, Roasted Duck, Oil Chicken, Preserved Bee King, Beijing Qiuli Cream, Beijing Qiu Pear Ointment, Beijing Poria cakes, Erguotou, Beijing Crossing Sugar, Liu Bizu Sauce, Beijing Weaving, Beijing Eagle, Jingtai Lan, Beijing Jade, Inner Painting Pot, Beijing Wine, Beijing Baifenglong, Ansong Niu Huang Wan, Tiger Bone Wine, Beijing Embroidery, Peach Supplement, Peach Supplement Flowers, mutton, Beijing sauerkraut, large grinding persimmon, Miyun golden jujube, Shaofengshan rose, Mentougou big walnut. 2. Shanghai Nanhui Peach Peach, Sanlin Sugar Sauce, Laoshan orchid bamboo shoots, Songjiang Returning Gill Bass, Fengjing West Holy, Chenghuang Temple Wuxiang Bean, Chongming Jinshan, Nanqiao Milk Rotten, Takahashi Poor , Chongming narcissus, Shuo embroidery, orchid printing cloth, Zhangjiang waist, Nanxiang Xiaolong steamed buns, Dingri, Fujian meat pine, new long hair sugar fried chestnuts, Daoshan Village duck 肫 liver, Pudong Sanhuang chicken, Chongming hairy crab, Qingpu 茭 、, horse, horse, horse Dried bridge tofu. 3. Tianjin Tianjin, Tianjin woodcarving, Tianjin Kite, Tianjin Kite, Tianjin Carpet, Tianjin Red Fruit, Tianjin Celast Zhang Caisu, Tianjin Chestnut, Tianjin Brick Carvings, Tianjin Walnuts, Tianjin Yali, Tianjin Paper -cutting, Tianjin lacquer ware Jade carving, ears and eye fried cakes, red beans, sand nest radish, willow youth paintings, "dog ignore" buns, tea soup, Guifa Xiang twist, Guishun fasting, silver fish, Panshan persimmon, purple crab, pots of pot, grape beer, dynasty, dynasty Brand of semi -dried wine, Great Wall brand rose sausage, welcome brand ham sausage. 4. Chongqing Jiuyuan Baozi, Sanjiang Brand Hechuan Tao Shin, Shancheng Night Food, Shancheng Golden Hook Douban, Tianfu Coca -Cola, Wooden Cave Orange Cake, Shuangya Matsukawa Matsushita Preserved Eggs, Yongchuan brand tempeh Ban duck, Wu Yongtian, rose brand crispy rice flower sugar, Rongchang folding fan, Rongchang Xia cloth, Rongchang pottery, orange orange pomelo, Chongqing hot pot, Chongqing Qujiu, Tuoshan fragrant belly, camellia brand glass utensils, Emei brand Chongqing tea, chrysanthemum brand rock sugar hemp Cakes, calm observation bran vinegar, butterfly flower brand strange flap. 5. Liaoning Province Liaoning Apple, Liaoning Qiu Pear, Hazelnuts, Hawthorn, Liaoyang Perfume Pear, Beizhen Yali, Dalian Yellow Peach, Gunshan Xiangmei, Banana Lee, Soft Jujube, Eroba, Chestnia Clam, abalone, scallops, mussels, Dalian Bay Kui, Xiangluo, barracuda, purple sea urchin, clam island sand, skirt vegetables, big bone chicken, Changtu goose, mink, sable, silkworm silk, silk silk silk, out -of -the -cctation outside Miren, jujube, assorted side dishes, Tacheng refined vinegar, tobacco, Magnolia, Dandong Rhododendron, Schisandra, ginseng, velvet antler, asarum, Fushun amber crafts, Fushun coal refined carving, Xiuyan jade, Shenyang feather painting, Jinzhou agate carving carving carving , Dalian Beibei painting, Liao Yan, silk flower, Changtu big cakes, bright light bridges, dried tofu, Zhongchi crispy pipe sugar, Yingkou shrimp climbing, Yingkou glass cattle, Yingkou barbecue, Yingkou salted mud, Yingkou big sauce, Yingkou rice , Yingkou Fruit, Yingkou Seafood, Yingkou Boil Clamp. 6. Jilin Provincial Ginseng, gardening, ginseng smoke, ginseng recreation pills, Codonopsis, five flavors, fumes, asarum, mumo, astragalus, dragon gangbang, grasshoppers, licorice, piercing five plus, bellflower, mountain grape, mountain grape Tonghua wine, Changbai Mountain wine, Yue oranges, orange wine, apple pear, kiwi, monkey head, black fungus, plum antler, bear gallbladder, Li Liangui smoked meat cake, Dingfeng real pastry, Korean cold noodles, Jilin white meat blood intestines , Steamed Songhua River White Fish. 7. Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Inner Mongolia carpet, camel hair, goatskin, gray rags, 猞猁 leather, velvet antler, Wangfu Cistanche, Codcin, wolfberry, astragalus, black fungus, deer tires, musk gallbladder, otter, marmium skin, marmot skin , Camel -shaped Mongolian combination knife, Mongolian silverware, Inner Mongolia Honeydel, Helan Mountain mushrooms, Yellow River carp, noodles, sugar, flax, various dairy products. 8. Shanxi Province Jin Temple rice, Qinzhou Yellow Rice, Datong Huanghua, Pingshun Zongli, Shanxi Shanma, Yuanqu Monkey Head, Jishan Jujube, Linyi Pomegranate, Fenyang Walnut, Qingxu Walnut Sweet vinegar, astragalus, Forsythia, Pinglu lilies, Fenjiu, bamboo leaf green wine, Yuping wine, Changpu wine, Quanquan wine, mulberry wine, Taigu cake, Wenxi boiled cake, Pingyao beef, Linyi sauce jade and melon , Houma Butterfly Cup, Datong Fur, Datong Carpet, Datong Copper, Yungang Silkman, Pingyao Pushing Laughing Water, Datong Seabuckthorn. 9. Gansu Province, Vegetables, Wei Cai, Bloody, Kangxian fungus, Lanzhou lily, daylily, Gangu Chili, Lanzhou Xiangtao, Linze red jujube, Hexi Sand dates, sea buckthorn, Longnan kiwi, Longnan sweet persimmon, Tianshui flower cow Apple, Dongguo Pear, soft pear, Lanzhou Bailan Gua, bitter roses, purple flowers, 芨芨, astragalus, 岷 苁, desert cordon, Suoyang, licorice, ancestor hemp, beach sheep and beach Erwao fur, Longnanchun and gold emblem Daqu, Zhangye Nanjiu, Bingzhou Jiujiu, Hongchuan special song, Linxia rice wine, Jiuquan luminous cup, Tianshui carving paint, Lanzhou carved gourd, 洮 洮, Lanzhou water smoke 10, Qinghai Province Snow Lotus, Qingmei, Qin Yan, Xining Dahuang , Cordyceps sinensis, Chaidami wolfberry, Xining carpet, velvet antler, fern, Qinghai vegetable nectar, Qinghai white mushroom, Kunlun color stone. 11. Luo Hanguo, Shatian Pomelo, Litchi, Banana, Banana, Golden, Pineapple, Pineapple, Mango, Hawthorn, Mountain Grapes, Gongcheng Gongcheng Persimmon, Gongyang Jujube, Ptitidity, Kiwi, kiwi, kiwi, kiwi, kiwi, kiwi, kiwi, kiwi Ginkgo, octa fennel oil, shiitake mushrooms, beet, sugar cane, sugar, jade forest high -quality valley, barley, southeast ink rice, Huanjiang incense japonica, Jingxi fragrant glimmer, cassava, Guilin flower bridge pepper, Guilin Sanya wine, Guangxi animal medicinal wine, Guangxi animal medicinal wine, Guangxi animals and wine, Clade, Glurina, Golden and Silver Flowers, Gui Pi, Ganoderma bacteria, Anxiang, Tianqi, Poria, Lijiang Fish, Fuzhou Osmanthus Fish, Guilin Roasted Muzhu, Guilin Embroidery, Zhuangjin, Maozhu Flower Bamboo Hat, Qinzhou Niche Pottery, Qinzhou Niche Pottery, Qinzhou Niche Pottery, Qinzhou Niche Pottery, Qinzhou Niche Pottery, Qinzhou Niche Pottery, Qinzhou Niche Pottery. Guilin Art pottery, Guilin landscape Chinese paintings, Guilin down and its products, Lijiang geese vermiculite sculptures and stone paintings, and Huanjiang dwelling mats. 12. Phoenix vegetables, Wuzhishan cuisine, Jiufeng white hair tea, Yingde black tea, lychee, betel nut, pineapple, jackfruit, lychee, banana, coconut, longan, papaya, plum, Chaozhou mandarin, He Shouwu, He Shouwu, Hozhou Guangcai, Guangxiu, Guangxiao, Fengxi ceramics, wheat straw stickers, Chaozhou pumping yarn, gold lacquer wood carving, Chao embroidery, Duanbang, weaving golden color porcelain, stone bending art ceramics, coconut carvings, fragrant bags, Xinhui sunflowers, Cantonese -style style, Cantonese -style style Dim Sum, Cantonese -style waxy, Qingping Chicken, Dongjiang Salt Baked Chicken, Sanhuangbei Chicken, Taiye Chicken, Chaoshan Pass Crab, Sandy Bird's Nest, Wanning Bird's Nest, Sea Turtle, Changchun Wine, Transparent Horseshoe Cake, Putang Horseshoe Powder, Pure Lotus Rongyue cake, Wuzhou Haidi, Dongguan sausage, Shahe powder, sausage powder, and porridge, spring cakes, blind public cakes, oil head pancakes 13, Fujian province, longan, litchi, jackfruit, Pingshan pomelo, Wendan pomelo, olives, olives, olives , Tianbao Banana, Pineapple, Citrus, Haitian Chicken, Golden Chicken, Scallop, Abalone, Dongshan Lobster, Jinpu Parahima, Laryhocyst Tea, Tieguanyin, Fuzhou Jasmine Tea, Gotian Bottle Planted Tremella, Shiita Mushrooms, Phoenix Mushrooms, Fujian, Fujian, Fujian, Fujian Honey, Yanpi, meat pine (empty), Miyuki honey pomelo, Zhangzhou mandarin, Fujian bamboo shoots, stone lions sweet tree, Anhai bundle hoof, oyster fried, Qingquan tea cake, Qixing fish ball, Buddha jumping wall, longan wood carvings, Hui'an stone carvings, virtue Porcelain, improvement of bamboo, fragrant beads, horse -sized grass, Pingtan Bagine, Shoushan stone carving, angle comb, paper umbrella, Fuzhou cork paint, Fuzhou renovation lacquerware, eight treasure print mud, Zhangzhou wooden coupling head, Zhangzhou cotton painting, Zhangye, Zhangye, Zhangye Xiamen Zhu embroidery, Zhangzhou shell carving. 14. Zhejiang Province West Lake Longjing Flower Tea, Golden Awards Tea, Pingshui Pearl Tea, Jiangshan Green Peony Tea, Tianyue Qingding Tea, Huaging Cloud Fog Tea, Shuoqing Purple Bamboo Shoot Tea, Zhejiang Luo Ma, Hangju, Zhelian, Atractylodes, Atractylodes , Bai Zhi, Yuanhu, Xuanyin, Ophiopogon, Zhenhai Jinsheng, Wenzhou Tongzan, Fenghua Peach, Xiaoshan Barber, Chaoshan Meizi, Tangqi, Yiyu Nanzao, Changhua Mountain Walnut, Changxing Cabbage, Jinhua Fozard 、湖州雪藕、龙泉香菇、天目笋干、绍兴霉干菜、绍兴香糕、西湖藕粉、宁波汤团、绍兴腐乳、嘉兴五芳斋粽子、绍兴麻鸭、叫花童鸡、糟鸡、金华火腿、 Pinghu bad eggs, West Lake vinegar fish, Longjing shrimp, West Lake amaranth, fennel beans, tea oil herds dried tofu, Longshan yellow mud snails, West shop oysters, Shaoxing rice wine, Yan Dongguan Wuguka wine, Zhejiang silk, Zhejiang silk, Zhejiang silk, Zhejiang silk, Zhejiang silk, Zhejiang silk, Zhejiang silk, Zhejiang silk, Zhejiang silk, Zhejiang silk, Zhejiang silk, Zhejiang silk, Zhejiang silk, Zhejiang silk, Ningbo embroidery, embroidery, Xiaoshan lace, Shuanglin 绫 silk, Hangzhou silk brocade, 瓯, West Lake cane, color -changing glaze porcelain, imitation of the Southern Song government kiln porcelain, Longquan celadon, Dongyang woodcarving, Yangtian stone carving, mud gold color paint, mud gold color paint , West Lake Silk Umbrella, Huzhou Feather Fan, Hangzhou Fan Fan Fan, Zhang Xiaoquan scissors, Hangzhou bamboo baskets, West Lake Tianzhu chopsticks, Shanxianhu Pen, Ningbo grass mats, Ningbo embedded inlaid, Zhejiang bamboo, golden straw hat, Fuyang soil paper, Longquan, Longquan Sword. 15. Nanjing, Jiangsu Province: Yuhua Stone, Nanjing Yunjin, Nanjing Ban Duck, Nanjing Osmanthus Duck, Nanjing Color Light, Xiangbu, Nanjing Paper -cutting. Suzhou: Liushen Pills, Taihu Aya, Silver Fish, Silk, Rosewood Carvings, Song Jin, Su Lan, Su Fan, Su Xiu, Suzhou Lake Pen, Traal Tofu, Jasmine Camellia, Hohait Grace Biluochun tea, Daoshan Village tea, Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs, honey stacks. Yangzhou: Yangzhou jade carving, Yangzhou embroidery, Yangzhou velvet flowers, Yangzhou paper -cutting, Yangzhou dishes, Yangzhou pickles, Yangzhou lacquerware, long plush toys. Zhenjiang: Craft Lights, Danyang Noodle Plastic, Danyang Sealing Tank Wine, Crystal Cooking, Dongxiang Lamb, Yangzhou willow, saury, pure fragrant sesame oil, Jinshan Cuida tea, vinegar, pickles, and catfish. Changshu: dried tofu in front of the mountains, peaches, chicken, lace, Baoyan bayberry, gold flutter crab, osmanthus wine, duck blood glutinous, green hair turtle, Panxiang cake, Yushan green tea, Yushan pine trees. Xuzhou: Hawthorn cake, children's crispy sugar, Fengxian Red Fuji apples, sheep Fang Tibetan fish, Peixian winter peach, juice dog meat, bundling of fragrant hoof, Xuzhou jade carving, kiln Bay mung bean roasted, ginkgo bean curd, crude sweet oil. Huai'an: big tea, document crab yellow soup bag, tea 馓, Huaicheng Pucai. Others: Yunwu Tea, Yuxi Tea, Yixing Make bamboo shoots, Rugao Baiyuan radish, taro, mint brain, Taixing ginkgo, Yixing chestnut, Gaoyou double yellow egg, Taizhou: lying walnut hemp cake, small grinding sesame oil; Cakes; Gaoyou: Dongtang, Taihu Daqu, Tai Cang meat pine, Taicang bad oil, loquat powder, Funing big cake, Wuyou candy twist, Wuxi meat bone bone head, Jingjiang meat preserved, Rugao ham, yellow bridge sesame cake, Wu You drunk snail, Wu You drunk snail, Wu You drunk snail, Bai Pu tea dry, Yixing Zisha pottery, Huishan mud, shellcut sculpture, Changzhou comb, Nantong blue printing cloth, Taihu stone. 16. Jiangxi Province Jingdezhen: Porcelain, Porcelain Painting, Shanzhen Food Cargo, Leping Dog Meat, Bamboo Craft Porcelain, Osmanthus Fresh Ginger Sauce, Black Tea, and Glygly. Nanchang: Three cups of chicken, Li Du sorghum wine, jasmine Nanchang Yinshi, Nanchang jade carving, golden golden tourist fan, porcelain plate color portrait, pearl lattice, silk fan, quinoa bacon, snow dates. Others: Nanfeng Miraza, Shangrao Zao Pear, Kiwi, Cloud Mat Tea, Wuyuan Green Tea, Wannian Mi, Xinfeng Red Gourd Seed, Poyang Lake Silver Fish, Longxing Paper Lighting Cake, Dried Beef Potatoes in Xingguo Nan'an board duck, Jiujiang osmanthus tea cake, Shangrao Daqu wine, four special wine, Mugujiu, Lidu brush, repair of water, Yushan Luoshan, Mo Yuan ink, Jiangxi dirt paper, sharp bamboo mat, 10,000 -shot of summer cloth, 10,000 -sho board Flower cannon, Yichun renovation lacquerware. 17. Qufu, Shandong Province: Confucius Family Wine, Nishan, Candle Candle, Holy Mansion Pastry, Shengfu Famous Wine, Daguang Daqing Pear, Fuxing and Biwi, Yaocun Mask, Kai Diao, Monument Essence Jinan: Yuji chopped chicken, feather painting, asparagus, oil rotation, bright moon incense rice, noodle plastic, Lu embroidery, "Fu" cards. Others: Yantai Apple, Yantai Great Cherry, Laiyang Pear, Feicheng Tao, Le Ling Jinti Zao, Dazawa Mountain Grape, Laoshan Jinshan Gram, Rizhao Hai Mi, Tai'an chestnut, Caozhou peony, Pingyang rose, Laizhou rose, Zibo, Zibo Art Ceramics, Boshan's Painting Bottle, Weixian Yangjiabu Mu Ban New Year Painting, Qingdao Bagpear, Shandong Polygate Embroidery, Yantai Grass Crafts, Tsingtao Beer, Misi, Golden Pot Bailan, Yantai Red Wine Wine, sea cucumber, abalone, Texas chopped chicken, high secret jujube, Weixian radish. 18. Xixian County, Anhui Province: 歙, Hui Mo. Shouxian: Ba Gongshan tofu, Hao Yan crispy pear, vanilla, silver fish, big rescue (pastry). Jizhou: Wanshou Silk, Gujing Gongjiu, Bai Zhi, Ejiao Blood Cream, Ji Chrysanthemum, Paper -cutting. Others: Su Shan Maofeng, Qimen Black Tea, Taiping Monkey Kui, Laoshan Crispy Pear, Yellow Water Kiwi, Lai'an Flower Hong, Xiangxianxiang, Huangshan Stone, Dabie Mountain Corps, Chaohu Silver Fish, Xinghua Village wine, mouth wine, rune Li Ji Roasted Chicken, Guqiao Chen Vinegar, Yuan Zhi Xunchen, Bengbu Jade Carving, Huizhou Brick Eagle, Wuhu Iron Painting, Fuyang Paper Cut, Qingyang Fan Fan, Long Shu Gongci, Wuhu Scissors, Chizhou White Maid Paper, Waiyuan Pomegranate, Xuanzhou Chestnut , Tianzhu Sword, Jiuhua Mountain Huangshi Creek Maofeng, Tongcheng Xiaolan flower tea, Xiaoxian grapes, Santan 枇, and Lingbi strange stones. 19. Chengde, Hebei Province: hawthorn, crystal cake, silk cake, auspicious vegetables, sea buckthorn, sour membrane, walnut, daylily, kiwi, stick. Others: Zhaozhou Sydistress, Xinglong Red Fruit, Cangzhou Golden Silk Jujube, Xuanhua Grape, Jingdong Chestnuts, Xixian Walnuts, Mushrooms, Qizhou Medicine, Sand Blood Qiqi, Handan Congtai Daqu, Great Wall dry white wine, Baiyangdian Songhua egg, Hui people Chicken, Cangzhou Winter Cai, Hebei Shrimp, Tangshan Ceramics, Ding Porcelain, Yongjia Wood Carving, Quyang Stone Carving, Yishui Huan, Qinhuangdao Beidou painting, Shanhaiguan artificial amber, Qixian Jinshi tapestry, Wuqiang New Year painting, Baiyangdian reed weaving, Rao Rao, Rao Rao Firecrackers and Baoding "three or five kitchen knives". 20. Luoyang, Henan Province: Dukang wine, Luoyang peony, Luoyang Palace lantern, Luoyang Tang Sancai, Luoyang water seat, Cheng Ni. Kaifeng: Dajing Juzao, Ma Yu Xing bucket chicken, Changchun Xuan Wuxiang rabbit meat, Lancao grapes, Baizishou peach, Zhuxian town wooden version of New Year painting, Xiu embroidery, silk, peanut cake, palace porcelain imitation products, set four treasures. Anyang: ceiling powder, double -headed rice wine, inner yellow jujube, inner yellow roasted enema, Anyang "three smoke", Anyang jade carving, Anyang dog leather plaster, Daokou chicken, Daokou tin weapon, Changde Chen vinegar, sugar oil chestnut. Shangqiu: Yongcheng jujube, water city pepper, civil rights white wine, Zhang bow wine, pumpkin bean cake, Jingjia twist. Others: Xuchang burning smoke, Xinyang Maojian, Meng Jinli, Lingbao Apple, Cemetery Apricot, Guangwu Pomegranate, Luyi Straw Hat, Nanyang Baihua, Panxian, Jun Porcelain, Ruyang Liu Mao Bi, Crystal Stone, Embroidery, Sannan, Sannan Sesame and small mills of sesame oil, four cups of medicine, tiles, honeysuckle, Yellow River carp, Anyang Xiangzhou skin residue, blood cake, pink skin. 21、湖北省��武汉:武昌鱼,精武鸭脖子江陵:九黄饼、千张肉、无铅松花蛋、五香豆豉、仿古漆器、金漆盆盘、荆段、荆州雪茄、酥黄蕉、 Sanbao eight treasure rice. Xiangfan: Gastrodia, Big Head, Pinellia, Duck Duck, Golden Dates, Root Carving Furniture, Longzhong Tea, and Cricket. The lotus seeds of Honghu, lotus root, others: barley rice, lotus seeds, yellow stone, Jiuye Poria, Hubei Fritillaria, ramm, jaton, fairy palm tea, Yishu tea, green brick tea, black fungus, bacteria, sperm, sperm, sperm, sperm, semiral , Xiaogan Maktan, Shahu Salt Egg, White Six Sides, osmanthus cakes, Jingzhou Sour Garlic Garlic, Citrus, Walnut. 22. Changsha, Hunan Province: down products, Liuyang fireworks firecrackers, swords and knife cuts, chrysanthemum stone carvings, copper official pottery, Xiangfan, Xiangxiu, stinky tofu. Others: Xianglian, Junshan Tea, Guzhang Maojian, Shangqiao Yinfeng and Xiangbo Green, Junshan Yinxin, Yantan Tea, Crystal Cai Cai, Geli, Magnolia tablets, oil tea, ramus, white wax, Jin oranges, Anjiang Xiangyan, Chinese kiwi, Chinese kiwi, Chinese kiwi, Chinese kiwi, Chinese kiwi, Chinese kiwi , White Po, Yongzhou Mint, Atractylodes, Xuanyin, Xiangyao Chicken, Shupu Goose, Turtle Snake Wine, Songhua Preserved Egg, Hunan Rice Fan, Yiyang Water Bamboo mat, Qiyang grass mats, Yijiajin, Linglang glaze color porcelain, cave ink ink Crystal stone carvings, Liuyang chrysanthemum stone carvings, laxic acid radish. 23. Kunming, Yunnan Province: Yunnan Baiyao, Yunnan Mountain Camellia, Yunnan Go Zizi, Dental Eagle Products, Ethnic Clothing and Clothing, Bridge Crossing Rice Wiring, Feather Painting, Yanglin Fat Wine, Rose Loose, Cigarettes, Roasted Hams, Tofuing Tofu, Tofu, and Tofu, Tofu, Tofu, Tofu, Tofu, Tofu, Tofu, and Tofu, Tofu, Tofu, Tofu, Tofu, Tofu, Tofu, Tofu, Tofu, and Tofu, Copper products, wax dye products. Dali: Pu'er tea, Dali straw hat, Dali Sydney, marble crafts, taurin cloth, Bai clothing, Cangshan rhododendron. Lijiang: Yunmu incense, Gastrodia wine, bamboo cricket, and wine. Others: ivory mango, eye -less pineapple, orb pear, plum, star anise, monkey head attack, honey, black fungus, pine doo, chicken gang, Sanqi, cordyceps, amomum, Yunwei ham, rose big food, Dai roast Fish, taro grass grilled chicken, Yunnan eight snacks, Jianchuan woodcarvings, tin crafts, Tengchong jade articles, version of Na Na, Naxi Piexing Star Dai Yueyue, Dai Bamboo Block, and Dai Tong Pa. 24. Zunyi, Guizhou Province: Huafengdan, Eucommia, Moutai, Miao Jin, Shangjin Tofu skin, peach blossoms, Hailong rice, Tongcao pile paintings, Yaxi cellar wine, Dongjiu, brown bamboo horn cane, silk, embroidery, Zunyi grilled tobacco , Zunyi Evodia, Zunyi Oil, Park, Crystal Cuckoo, Zunyi Mao Feng. Zhenyuan: Qingxi Dacqus, Embroidered Waist, Zhenyuan Passion Peach, Zhenyuan Yangchangcha Tea, Zhenyuan Dao dishes. Others: Yang Ai Maofeng, Duyong Maojian, Meijiang Tea, Shiitake, Black fungus, Tremella, Black Glutinous Rice, Sweet Ren, Gastrodiac, Musk, Poria, Codonopsis, Sanshou Duck, Agricultural Golden Chicken, Water Water Dacquan wine, Pingba cellar wine, Dushan pickled sauerkraut, Duyong Taishi cake, wax dye, generous lacquerware, Yuping flute, Libo mat, weaving golden pupae, tooth boat pottery, Sanjie bucket. 25. Chengdu, Sichuan Province: Wenjun Jiu, Five Fat Ducks, Yuanbao Chicken, Sichuan Kimchi, Quanxing Daqu Jiu, Bourbly Paint Products, Porcelain Tire Bamboo, Shu Jian Shu embroidery, Shujin, Sugar oil fruit. 、 阆: Songhua Preserved Eggs, Paining wax. Yibin: Yibin plastic plastic, Yibin Wuliangye. Zigong: Blooming white cakes, spicy sauce of sky license plates, tie dyeing, vinegar in Taihu well, Zigong red oranges, Zigong Mao beef, Zigong convenient food seasoning, Rongxian wine, paper cutting, Gong fan, bird's nest shred. Others: Gan Orange, Hechuan Dahongpao, Luzhou Guiyuan, Aba Apple, Tongnan Yellow Peach, Jinchuan Sydney, Litama, Bashan Walnut, Musk, Baiji, Eucommia, Cordyceps, Gastrodia Mu Xiang, Mother Chuanmei, Yujing, Fuko, Zexie, Chuanxiong, Tanxian, Red Flower, Chuanmingshi, Huanglong Xiangmi, Luzhou Qujiu, Langjiu, Jiannan Chunqu Wine, Bashan Datou, Red Orange Wine, Sichuan, Sichuan, Sichuan, Sichuan Mustard, plate duck, spicy beef, tofu milk, vinegar, Sichuan fans, Tianfu peanuts, Syrian old bad eggs, Syrian prefecture Xiaofen sesame oil, sword door ham, Guanghan entanglement rabbit, bamboa, Anyue bamboo mat, Anyue bamboo mat, Anyue bamboo mat, Anyue bamboo mat, Anyue , Bamboo Team, Nanchong Bamboo Curtain Painting, Song Bi, Huili Green Pottery, Guangyuan Baihua Stone Carvings. 26. Xi'an, Shaanxi: Zharan, Xi'an Puppet, Xi'an embroidery, Xi'an paper -cutting, imitation Qin figurines, imitation Tang Sancai, playful mud whistles, pomegranates, Huanggui thick wine, colorful painting puppets, Lantian jade, Fan Jira Jude and murals. Yan'an: red dates, almonds, Yan'an paper -cutting, apple, walnut. Hancheng: Red handle, Hancheng peppercorns, Hancheng south sugar others: Gastrodia, Eucommia musk, cattle hand ginseng, Hou Pu, Niuhuang, Shayuanzi, Tremella, Huaxian Dajie Apricot, Qin Guan Apple, Fire Crystal Persimmon, Fire Crystal Persimmon, Yangxian County Xiangmi, Yangxian County Black Rice, Hanzhou pot helmet, beef jerky, Tongguan sauce bamboo shoots, Taibai wine, Qinzhou Dacqu wine, Yulin willow editor, Zhang Liangmiao cane, Lan Zhenjo editor. 27. Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region: Babao Gai bowl of tea, vegetarian chicken (called tofu rolls in the field), Yellow River big carp, clove elbow, licorice, hair vegetables, wolfberry, Helan stone, crispy chicken, beach sheep fur. Others: Seabuckthorn, "Daqing" grapes, Ningxia mountain apricot, watermelon, broad bean, horse lotus, wolfberry pocket tea, Xiao Tongxia willow editor, Helan Shihuan, Guyuan chicken. 28. Kashgar in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region: Figs, Badan apricot, pomegranate, melon, Kashgar crafts, grapes and raisins. Others: cantaloupe, fragrant pear, wild apple, snow lotus, safflower, Xinjiang articular, Simaro, Cistanche, licorice, Hetian jade, sable, beer, Yingjisha. 29. Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region: Wooden bowls, Cordyceps sinensis, Tibetan carpet, ganoderma, apron, green liquor, gold ear, snow lotus, saffron, Tibetan waist knife, Tibetan antelope horns, musk. Shigatse: Rinbu Jade, Jiangzi carpet, waist knife. Others: Tibetan incense, marmot skin, ginseng fruit, Hu Huanglian, Tibetan quilt, Tibetan boots, Tibetan costumes, 氆氇, Lhasa lion dogs. 30. Heilongjiang Province hazel mushrooms, bracken, matsutake, monkey head mushrooms, Yuan mushrooms, cricket honey, black fungus, kiwi, rubber, hazelnuts, pine nuts, white melon seeds, purple plum wine, fragrant wine, deer antler, deer, deer, deer, deer, deer, deer, deer, deer, deer, deer, deer, deer, deer Kidney, bear bile, ginseng, western ginseng, sable, otterium skin, cricket skin, tadel skin, seductive rat, gray rat skin, musk rats, milk powder, cheese, square ham, air -dried sausage, big horse, haha Fish, Harbin red intestine, Harbin beer, five Chang rice. 31. Hong Kong: Antique and art, artworks, photography equipment, carpets and tapestry (from the Mainland, India, the Middle East and other producing), pottery and porcelain, duty -free cosmetics and perfumes, electronic equipment, fur, ivory, ivory, ivory, ivory, ivory, ivory, ivory, ivory, ivory Products, jade, jewelry, leather products, glasses frames and lenses, custom clothes, watches, western tableware, glass tableware. 32. Macau: Jewelry gold jewelry, antique text, crafts, jewelry and seafood medicinal materials are popular items.

  5. pendant frame jewelry supplies wholesale There are oolong tea, Jianlian, longan, lychee, and the famous "eight dried", namely Liancheng's dried sweet potatoes, dried pork pigs, dried radish of Shanghang, dried preserves of Mingxi meat, dried pepper pepper, dried Changting tofu, etc. , There are also "four big shellfish" of crickets, oysters, clams, and 蚶. In addition, you should also buy some slices, narcissus flowers and Qingyuan tea cakes in Fuzhou. Others include the painted lacquer corner combing paint painting Fuzhou woodcarvan jasmine tea blessing oranges olive

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