wholesale crystal jewelry bracelets Have ISA TANTEC registered a trademark? What other categories can be registered?

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1 thought on “wholesale crystal jewelry bracelets Have ISA TANTEC registered a trademark? What other categories can be registered?”

  1. gold grape leaf wholesale jewelry los angeles ISA TANTEC has a total application volume of 1 piece
    The successful registration has been successfully registered, 1 is in the application, 0 pieces are not valid, 0 pieces are on sale.
    Colisya intellectual property statistics, ISA TANTEC can also register the following trademark classification:
    Category 1 (chemical preparation, fertilizer)
    R n Category 3 (daily chemical supplies, washing, spices)
    Category 4 (energy, fuel, oil)
    Category 5 (medicine, sanitary products, nutritional products)
    Category 6 (metal products, metal building materials, metal materials)
    Category 7 (mechanical equipment, motor, transmission)
    Category 8 (manual appliance (small), tableware, cold weapons) r
    Category 9 (scientific instruments, electronic products, security equipment)
    Category 10 (medical equipment, medical supplies, adult products)
    Category 11 (lighting ware, hot and cold equipment, disinfection purification)
    Category 12 (transportation tools, loading tool parts)
    Class 13 (arms, fireworks, personal protection spray)
    Class 14 (jewelry, precious metal, clock)
    No. 1 15 categories (instruments, musical instruments and accessories)
    Category 16 (paper products, office supplies, stationery teaching aids)
    Category 17 (rubber products, insulation thermal insulation materials)
    Category 19 (non -metal building materials)
    Category 20 (furniture, furniture parts, cushions)
    Class 21 (kitchen utensils, home utensils, washing equipment)
    Class 22 ( Rope, cable, hood, bag)
    Class 23 (gauze, thread, silk)
    Class 24 (textiles, bedding, towels)
    Socks gloves)
    class 26 (accessories, wigs, buttons zipper)
    Class 27 (carpet, seat pads, wallpaper)
    class 28 (toys, sports fitness equipment, fishing sets)
    Class 29 (cooked food, meat egg milk, edible oil)
    Class 30 (noodles, condiments, drinks)
    Class 31 (fresh, animals and plants, feed seeds)
    Class 32 (beer, alcoholic beverages)
    Class 33 (wine, alcoholic drink)
    Class 34 (tobacco, tobacco utensils)
    Class 35 (advertising , Business Management, Marketing)
    Class 36 (financial affairs, real estate management, pawn guarantee)
    Class 37 (building, indoor decoration, maintenance) Communication service)
    Class 39 (transportation and warehousing, energy distribution, travel service)
    Category 40 (material processing, printing, dirt treatment)
    Class 41 (education and training, cultural and sports activities , Entertainment Services)
    Class 42 (R

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