wholesale wiccan jewelry supplies How to choose Jasper Cat Eye Bracelet

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  1. wholesale gold plated jewelry manufacturers The Hetian jade jasper bracelet is currently more popular and fashionable. Many ladies hope to find a jasper bracelet that suits them. Some black spots, some colors, some structures, some flowers, some colors jump, some cotton cotton is heavier, etc. So to find a bracelet that suits you is很困难的,而且价格也有天壤之别,在这里介绍一下是如何选择碧玉手镯的(个人所见仅供参考):rn前提:作为个人消费最关键的其实是买镯子的预算,完美The bracelets must have the perfect economic strength. For our people, the price / performance ratio is not the most important. It is important to reflect the cost -effectiveness and aesthetic orientation that reflects its economic strength and the cost -effectiveness that is suitable for their own spending power. Only with economic budgets can we correspond to Use selection skills to find a bracelet that suits you. In short, it is impossible for you to buy 5,000 yuan with 1,000 yuan. We are all vegetables in front of the seller. They will hardly sell it wrong. The probability.
    . Is there any cracking: --- No
    This is very important. It is very simple to say that you need to choose carefully when you buy it; To the rare clarity, thickness and color, there are short and shallow vertical cracks, and the price is appropriate. You can consider it next time, otherwise you will resolutely give up. ------ Principles: No cracking
    . The thickness:
    This is the fineness of the material and the glutinousness of the oil; The good jasper bracelet has extremely delicate texture, and the transparent structure is almost unobstructed. Under the natural light, it is slightly transparent. The material looks fine and glutinous. For oil transparency (similar to the transparent light of white jade seeds); the second point is water transparency, and the light is bright (similar to the light transmission of white jade Qinghai material); it is almost imperative (similar to the reflection of porcelain) Essence
    The value of water transparency and almost impermented materials is low, and it is better to give up, because the market choices are very large. The transparent is very pure (I haven't seen this kind of material), otherwise the visual effect is not good because the water transparent impurities are appeared in the inside and outside; It feels like nothing.
    It the characteristics of the origin of the material, except for the same advantages of the best ingredients of different origin, one of its important differences is in terms of thickness. Bigfa, Dibi boring, Russia's oil glutinous.
    Principles: delicate --- oil moisturizing
    three, color:
    spinach green is the first choice of jasper, so what is spinach green? Even with a basket of spinach to buy jasper, the color of each spinach leaves is not the same. There are old spinach green and tender spinach green. I personally like the old spinach green with the bottom color. The color of the seed feels stable and does not float, suitable for long -lasting wearing; and the green spinach green is also very beautiful. It is very pleasing to wear on the hands of the beauty, which means that paying attention to the age with your own age. Generally speaking, the dark jade bracelet is suitable for all women. Selection can show a calm, old practice, rich and elegant charm. The light -colored jade bracelet is more young lady, which is elegant and more vibrant and skin tone of young people. In addition, it should be noted that the color should be matched with your own skin tone. Those with dark skin should not use light -colored and white jade bracelets to avoid making the skin tone more darker. Those with white skin tone can choose bracelets of various colors.
    Monate as a pure bracelet like Figure 4 above is impossible, the price is either primary and five or more.
    This in our lives as shown in the figure below. These pictures are from online Taobao stores, and the prices are tens of thousands of yuan.
    In search for it, you can see that the color of the jasper is extremely rich. The above pictures can be roughly divided into black, flashy, shiny, and mixed; It is characterized by uneven colors, large colors jump, and excessive unnatural varieties;
    It colors also have regional characteristics, such as Manasbi color jump (mostly gray green, plus a little bit of strip -shaped -like -like strip -like shape White spots); add blue color, raw, tenderness; Russia is uniform, cooked, and old.
    Principles: partial spinach green-uniform --- transition naturally-the color jump is not large.
    . Impurities:
    Is all the impurities of all impurities, stiffness, cracks, dirt, flowers, water lines, and their unique impurities, such as black spots, black blocks, blocks, black blocks, blocks, and outside jade. The sandylona and the so -called cat eyeliner, the crystallization points of Gabit and so on. Cotton, stiffness, cracking, Qin, dirty, flowers, and water lines are not talked about. You can refer to the purchase of Baiyu. Here we mainly talk about black spots, black blocks, trachoma and so -called cat eyeliner, and Cobbit's crystallization points.
    black spots, black blocks, and trachoma are very common in all jasper. Everyone knows that you need to pick less black spots when buying. Under the same price, the black spots are in the material. The species, followed by the inner circle, the principle is that the surface black spots are selected at least when wearing it; it is not easy to choose if one bracelet surface is sporadic. Which one to choose? My principle is to wear the effect on my hand to see the effect. When the visual sees less color jump, I choose that. Generally, I choose to bring a black block, because in the same price, the general parts of the black blocks are relatively pure, and the black group is often accompanied by thick dark green. This kind of dark green is excessive. It looks very natural, otherwise the price will definitely be different; sandylons often appear on black spots and black blocks. You need to pay attention when choosing. If you can choose a large room, of course, you should avoid , Sandic is acceptable.
    It is to pay attention to the difference between the crystallization point of the trachoma and the Canadian jasper. After a long time or a little wax, dripping water, and oil, the crystals of Gabi are similar to the stiff point, and the surface is smooth. ------- Principles: The less impurities, the better, choose black, stiff, cotton, flowers; choose black and cotton, flowers;
    , Style:
    Themine -faced bracelets without carvings, gold, gold, gold, and other processes; Large defects.
    On blessing: the inner circle is round, the outer circle is round, and the bar is round. Because it is full of round full, it is called a blessing bracelet. This kind of bracelet is extremely classic, has been spreading for a long time, pays attention to the thick and round strips, solemn and righteous.
    Ping An bracelet: round inner circle, round outer circle, strip rods ranging from bow -shaped to semi -circular, because the inner circle is smoothed, called a safe bracelet, which is the style of more than 90%of the bracelets on the world. It is in recent years. Style.
    The concubine bracelet: outer round and flat, overall oval, strips from bow -shaped to circular. The processing process is slightly complicated, mainly due to high manual costs.
    6. Size:
    The must match with your own arm. The thick and loose bracelet with a thick wrist. Select a narrower bracelet with a thinner wrist. Of course, it is also necessary to pay attention to the inner ring, width, and diameter ratio. The principle is: the mouth of the circle is small, the strips should be thin accordingly; For example, the inner diameter of the ring is 50mm to 55mm, the bar diameter is 6mm to 8mm, and the bar width is 12 mm to 18 mm. It looks more comfortable,; the inner diameter of the ring is 56mm to 65mm, the bar diameter is 8mm to 10mm, and the bar width to 15mm to 22 mm should be suitable. Essence
    The principle of wearing is: add lubricant or put on a plastic bag on your hand, and it is just a little hard; if it is smaller, it cannot be worn, which will affect your amplitude. The Chinese Association habitually opens his fingers to prevent the bracelet from falling off. After a long time, it becomes the chicken ribs at the bottom of the box. In the early days, the bracelets were worn by the ladies who were nourished and excellent. Making women appear more beautiful, the second is the symbol of identity and wealth. Women who wearing precious jade bracelets often do not do housework in the past, because housework often bumps to damage bracelets; the third is to cultivate dignified and elegant behavior habits. Early in the early days The male master marching the world. When buying a bracelet for his family members, in order to prevent the embarrassment of unable to wear, it is generally not small. Therefore, the bracelet ring is larger than the wrist. My own bracelets fall off from the hand, and the behavior becomes naturally soothing, so that the wearer looks more gentle and ancient; women in modern society make people not be able to do a few people every day. Even if someone is serving every day Exercise. Essence Essence Essence Essence Essence At the same time, if you are soothing and soft, some people will inevitably say you are arrogant, and if you work with a large circle of bracelets, exercise, communicate, move a little faster, and drink a little more. Slightly bigger, the bracelet will fly out, so it is best not to make a choice of the size of the bracelet.
    Is the market price of jasper bracelets, first of all, you need to understand the market's market, so that you can use the specific physical quality to estimate. I think it is worthy of conscience,
    . N first look at the picture and see a few of the Dongdong of Hetian Yali Jade. The pictures come from the Internet. Let me make some deformation. The answer is that there is nothing about Hetian Biyu, so you don't have to read the following things, because you answer right;
    Lantian jade and so on.
    . For example: Taiwan Cuiyu:
    This glass luster, the refractive index is about 1.55, the density is about 2.5-2.7, the texture is dense, delicate, tough, and smooth. It will exceed 30 yuan; the jewelry appraisal department may issue a "quartz rock jade" certificate. Some of them are less than ten yuan, and the highest wholesale price will not exceed 100 yuan.
    By the way, jade culture has jade culture, and wearing bracelets is also particular. Of course, if you do not agree, you can wear it casually.
    Is when wearing bracelets, the number of opposite bracelets is not strictly limited. You can wear one or two, three, or more. If you wear only one, you should wear it on your left hand without on the right hand; if you wear two, you can wear one on each hand or wear it on the left hand; if you wear three, you should wear it on the left hand , Don’t wear one in one hand and two in the other. The situation of wearing more than three bracelets is relatively rare. Even if you want to wear it, you should wear it on your left hand to cause a strong sense of imbalance and achieve the purpose of being new and unusual. However, it should be pointed out that this imbalance should be harmonious through the matching with the clothing, otherwise it will destroy the decoration beauty of the bracelet due to the difference.
    8. Introduction to the place of origin and production
    First of all, I must declare that my point is: playing jade is the jade of Hetian jade, not the place of production and production. No matter where it is produced or thick, it is a good collection of good things.
    The jade quality of Hetian Jasper and Tian Baiyu is completely different in everyone's minds. Baiyu Ruo Ruo is sorted according to the production status: seed material ---- mountain flowing water --- mountain material; -Autrom-Qinghai ingredients-Korean material;
    A jasper is completely different. -3A or above, Gabi-New Zealand Bi-Hetian Seed-Manas Basilica;
    The main reason is that the probability of the quality of high-quality jasper products we often see in the market is the probability of in accordance with. There are legendary top -level, but I have never seen it, and I have not seen it, then I will arrange it behind; for example: Baiyuli Mountain material is better than the seeds, but high -quality seeds, but high -quality seeds, but high -quality seeds, but high -quality seeds. It is common, so it is ranked in front; the same is true of jasper. There are many seeds in jasper than the mountain material, but it can be made into a jasper with a jasper with a decoration, a pendant, a bracelet or a black spots without black spots or even less black spots. There are very few Hetian seeds. The sorting here is only the probability ranking of yield and high quality, so the seed material is placed at the end. If the Hetian green jade seeds can open the flawless bracelet, be sure to put it first, but I am me Hetian jade, who has been playing for nearly twenty years, has not seen it so far.
    The production status everyone knows. Here we simply talk about the origin:
    In Xinjiang producing jasper: Xinjiang production jasper is mainly produced by the Manas Blue Jade Mine. There are also mountain materials, including some mountain flowing water. In view of the characteristics of jasper itself, most of the works with jasper as the raw materials are mostly concentrated in the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. Because there are too many black spots, the color jumps are too large, and the jade is not very good. There are very few for jewelry levels now. The quality of Manasbusch jewelry that can be seen in our market is almost not high.
    Is Qinghai Jasper: Around 2000, a number of seed jasper was found in the riverside land in the Mangya area bordered by Qinghai and Tibet. These batch of jasper seeds have a good grinding and large volume, and weigh from more than ten kilograms to a few tons. Mangya Jasper is characterized by a leather shell with a few centimeters thick to a dozen centimeters thick. The color of the leather shell has obvious boundaries and the meat quality. The color of Mangya Jasper is gray -green, with black spots and less cracks. Due to the gray color, high -quality large pieces are mostly used for utensils, and small pieces are not high.
    Canadian jasper: The place of origin is mainly on the mountains north of Vancouver, Canada. The jewelry -grade Canadian jasper is very good (AAA level or above, it is the favorite of the Empress Dowager Cixi during the Qing Dynasty. Compared with, the texture is more uniform, large and bright, and bright in color. Compared with Qinghai materials, the color is bright and the texture is water transparent. It is said that from the 1980s to the 1990s, China imported hundreds of tons of Canadian jasper from Canada. There are 4 to 5 tons. Beijing, Yangzhou, and Henan have processed a group of jade carving works with this raw material. Most of these works are large and complete. Unfortunately, we haven't played jade at that time. Also collecting Hetian seeds. At that time, the sheep fat was a hundred yuan per kilogram. The small country did not buy it. It is said that they can only change to a baked bun.
    Russian jasper The varieties enter the country, about 2000, these mountain materials are large, with good jade quality, less cracked, less black spots, and colorful colors. , Pearl skewers, handlebars, at present, Russian jasper is the main raw material used by high -end jasper in China.

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