selling wholesale jewelry on etsy What gifts are better between lover

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  1. studded jewelry wholesale What gifts are better between lovers
    What gifts for lover, gifts for giving gifts between lovers, especially when giving gifts during Valentine's Day. So what gifts to give between lovers are also a way of expression of love, so what gifts are better introduced below to introduce to lover. Let's find out together.
    What gifts to give between lovers 1. What gifts to Valentine's Day

    1. Lipstick
    The few girls do not like lipstick Skills, you have to pay more attention and ask, what brand of lipstick you see and what the color number is.
    Although girls do n’t feel too much, they do n’t feel too much, but they just like to buy and buy. You have to do your homework yourself in advance. After you buy it, don't send it directly. Be sure to buy a gift box or other skills to open it. Packing it. You must leave a piece of paper in it to write the most tender words. This is a coherent operation.
    2. Bags
    The packages cure all diseases. It is not wrong. In addition to lipstick, the bag is also liked by girls, but if you buy this style, or more generally, she is also average. I do n’t like it. The girls that girls like either are she who picked it by itself or you bought a big brand. Which girl does n’t want a luxurious bag? But at this price, it depends on your actual situation, and you must do it!
    3. Creative desserts
    This people think that when there is no birthday, is the desserts not much like cakes? Many of them are baked by hand now. You don't need to make cakes, but you can make desserts hand -made. This depends on how craftsmanship is.
    4. Beauty massage products
    Nowadays girls are in makeup, we see more and more things, and the types are also complicated and diverse. Buying one is useful to her, this is also in my heart, and I will be very happy. rn 5、化妆品rn 美容类的产品,同样就想到了化妆品,这个化妆品既然要买,送礼物的,就不能和平时的一样了,因为化妆品我们知道有些属于特别好用,但是Very expensive, you can’t bear to buy it, you can buy it once.
    6. Warm videos
    This requires a certain time and preparation. If you are prepared, some restaurants have projection and the like when eating. The content of the play is mainly to reflect on the photos of these Valentine's Day. In the end, if you want to say something warm, you do n’t know what to send, but you find that the video can be saved permanently. Let's talk about what you should pay attention to.
    7. Heart -warming products
    For example, when he is physiological, there are also some products used in physiological periods, which can be bought for one. In addition With the continuous progress of science and technology, it is now a variety of ways. These belong to the previous look for it in advance, and you can find it all. Just buy it in advance.
    . What gifts are better for Valentine's Day
    1. Underwear
    Valentine's Day boys to give gifts to girls, you can consider sending underwear, which requires a close relationship, and understands girls' ray. Gifts that can be delivered. This gift is more practical. Girls will care more about each other on their bodies. Whenever we wear underwear sent by boys, there will be a kind of thought, a thoughtful feeling that can give themselves satisfaction.
    2. Pajamas
    Pajamas are also very good Valentine's Day gifts. Girls generally wear pajamas. Therefore, this caters to girls' hobbies well. At the same time, girls wear pajamas sent by boys, and there will be a kind of intention to hold boys to sleep. This feeling gives girls a sense of warmth and beauty. Girls will cherish this gift.
    3. Mask
    Girls generally have the psychology of beauty, and pay particular attention to their faces. Therefore, send a good quality mask to make Faceshow for girls, and girls will be very excited. Girls will think you care about her, care about her, and understand her. In the future, girls will be more natural and confident in front of you to enhance their feelings.
    4. Water cups
    If girls do work room work, Valentine's Day water delivery cup is a very good idea. Girls drink a lot of water every day. Water is a natural beauty agent for girls, and they cannot do without water. If you drink water from the water from a boy every day, the girl will feel that the boy is very careful and cares about her. "Cup" has the meaning of "life", so it is a very good Valentine's Day gift.
    5. Bags
    Girls like to bring bags out. Whether going shopping or dating, they will bring their favorite bags. In girls' psychology, bags can increase their own image and increase their temperament. They belong to girls versatile items and are also loved by girls. This gift can increase the psychological status of boys in girls.
    6. Watches
    Giving gifts to girls on Valentine's Day to girls can consider their economic ability and the degree of development of men and women. Essence However, if the boys send a watch to the girl, they have to buy a couple watch, one person and one, and then match it.
    7, bracelet
    girls prefer hand accessories and also like to wear. Therefore, the bracelet is also a good Valentine's Day gift. Generally, girls prefer the bracelets of beads. It is generous and decent, increasing the temperament and nobleness of girls.
    8. Perfume
    The girls who pay attention to their own image will add some artificial experience, such as perfume. Girls who can use perfumes are marketing and packaging their own experts. Because perfume can evoke the desire of boys and attract boys fascinated. However, here is a light type, which is more suitable for young girls.
    . The words of Valentine's Day to the lover
    1. Do you know what the difference between me and Tang Seng? Tang Seng takes me to marry you.
    2. Living in one place in a lifetime, sleeping next to him.
    3. My world is very large, and I can install the thousands of horses and thousands of troops. My world is very small. The only thing I see is you.
    4. No one else, you are all you.
    5. Less less, afraid of it; say more, afraid it is disturbance. I like you, four words, just right.
    6. I have love in my mouth, sunlight on my body, love in my mind, panic in my soul, and you have you in my heart.
    7. I once wanted to conquer the world, and I found out until the end I found that all the bites of this world are you.
    8. Without you, my world has no color; without you, my sky has no white clouds; without you, my body has no soul; without you; my life is only a tragedy.
    9. Miss you: Chao Chao Mu: Think of you: clouds and foggy; miss you: Before the moon; miss you: the heart of the eyes; miss you: This life is in the next life!
    10. Do not ask each other, just want to stay with each other for a lifetime. Do not ask for the sea dry stones, just want to be accompanied by the mind.
    What gifts for lover. 2 Jews once said: There are three types of goods in the world that cannot be hidden: difficult, cough, and love. Just like the hot heart in the summer, I can't hold myself a hot heart ~~
    It people say: Love is half vomiting and half -swallowing, I want to touch and counterattack. Those words of exports accidentally set up full emotions and confessed the accurate meaning. Those words that have not been said are probably the deepest love in my heart.
    The day is February 14th,#Valentine's Day#, estimate that many girls and girls who do not buy gifts to give away what gifts to give, and the day baking king will teach the master a master who knows to win more than 80,000 Valentine's Day gifts -that is my beginning cake, only I do it, although the city is a very cherished review.
    The name of this cake is a long cake of Hidden Heart --- Grass Fruit Cream Snow Tibetan Cake ~
    Don’t look at the name mixed, the method is great ~~ Cake and grass fruit cream sandwich, rough and sweet ~ full of happiness ~
    grass fruit cream Snow and Tibetan Cake By: Danier

    The cake of the milk refining milk:
    2 fruit, 25g of condensed milk, 15g of goat milk, 25g of vegetation oil, 45g of top roasted soft white cake powder, 1g of baking powder, 20g of fine sugar, excess sugar powder
    夹心奶油: rn 淡奶油150g,细砂糖15g,草果2个,盐1小撮rn 【做法】 rn 01、筹备炼乳蛋糕的资料rn 02、卵黄和The egg white is divided, the yolk agency is mixed with cream and average, and then involved in the status of vegetation oil and an average to overflowing emulsification
    03, a small batch of goat milk intervention, all over the times and the average of the goat milk, top roasted soft white cakes Powder and bubble powder and sieve into the yolk paste
    04, mix with unspeakable methods and average to exquisite and smooth
    05, expose to a coarse bubble of the egg white Camer can be beaten until hard foam, and there is a hard hook -shaped
    06. Take 1/4 egg white and put it in a yolk paste and stir well. Flip the average
    07. The mixed batter should be thick and smooth, and the dripping lines do not simply disappear. Flat, sieve a layer of sugar powder, bake for 20-25 seconds in a pre-heated 180-degree oven. After baking Fruit washed and cut into small diced diced, whipped cream with sugar and salt to the full hair, put in the grass fruit diced and mix well
    10. Make grass fruit cream in a decorative bag, cut a small mouth for spare
    11. The cooling cake is removed, and a large hole is worn in the center with a thick straw to distinguish the decorative bag from the two ends of the hole and squeeze the grass fruit cream until it is full. Full of love ~~
    cake cream may wish to change, for example, mango, chocolate, matcha, Oreo, etc. Love scenery, love is love, with the essence of the essence, not being restrained.
    No matter how your Valentine's Day, eat your mouth cake
    I wish you a short life, sweet and long ??
    Milk ’s kung fu is determined that it must be poured into a small number of times and has been mixed in and on average. Do n’t pour in at one time. Although it is very small, it will simply form the situation and taste of the results of the cake.
    2/The tire I use is about 18*6 long pound cake molds. One ratio may wish to make a long cake and a cup cake. Because the batter is all poured into the tire, it will flow out. So make a cup cake and grill. This ratio is also practical to increase 4 inches of round cake tires. Even if it is to create larger, the formula is doubled as needed.

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