costume fashion jewelry wholesale district in new york A big gold necklace in India is only more than a thousand. Why don't Chinese people buy it when they see it?

costume fashion jewelry wholesale district in new york

5 thoughts on “costume fashion jewelry wholesale district in new york A big gold necklace in India is only more than a thousand. Why don't Chinese people buy it when they see it?”

  1. blue diamond jewelry wholesale India is a country with a lot of gold and cheap, but even if it is cheap, there will be three reasons for buying. One is that India's golden purity is not worthy at all, and the other is the gold necklace made by Indians is extremely exaggerated. The aesthetics of the Chinese people are not in line. Third, the rumors of India's gold are screened from the sewer.

    . The purity of the golden gold is not worthy enough.
    Min people like to buy 24K gold, but gold in India is generally 16K. Although the price is cheap, the purity does not meet the domestic standards at all. No one may be willing to buy these things? Although it is cheap, it will not be appreciated without selling it at all. According to the words of the people, India's gold necklace is "losing money"! Will you buy?
    . The gold necklace produced by the Indians is extremely exaggerated and not in line with the aesthetics of the Chinese people.
    Indians like the thick and long gold necklace. To be honest, when these necklaces, they will feel that the neck hurts who wants to make the neck wearing this exaggerated necklace on the street? If we wear this kind of necklace in China, it is equivalent to telling the robbers and thieves to "grab me, I have a gold necklace." It is not worth it to provoke things to themselves, and these necklaces are extremely exaggerated at all. No one wants to buy it.
    . The rumors of India's gold are screened from the sewer.
    The difference in the rich and poor in India is still very large. Some people live a luxurious life every day. Some people have poor clothes to pick up garbage dumps, so there is a sentence in India that is in India. It can be removed in the sewer, and it is precisely because of this message that many people think that the gold in India is not clean. You want to have a sewer. If the gold really comes from there, wouldn't there be a lot of bacteria there? Do you say who wants to wear this decoration?

  2. wholesale inquiry jewelry The reason why the Chinese are unwilling to buy gold in India are generally caused by two aspects. The first aspect is that the purity of the big gold chain in India is not enough, and many people feel that it is not cost -effective. Another reason is that when everyone returned to China, gold was levied a certain tax. So it is better to buy it in China.

  3. flirt wholesale jewelry Because most of the gold necklaces sold in India are fakes made of gold and pseudo -gold, one portion of the money, their gold necklace purity is extremely low, and there is no need to buy.

  4. real hip hop jewelry wholesale The big gold chain in India does not want to buy it because its big gold chain is not really a big gold chain. This big gold chain is just a superficial gold chain, which is no different from fakes.

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