how to do wholesale pricing for jewelry Small class lesson plan

how to do wholesale pricing for jewelry

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  1. wholesale gift box jewelry factory As a people teacher who teaches others for others, it is always unavoidable to write lesson plans. With the help of the lesson plans, teaching activities can be better organized. How should I write the lesson plan? Here are 9 small class lessons I have compiled for everyone. Welcome everyone to learn from and reference. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.
    The small class lesson plan 1 Activity goals:
    ⒈ to understand the entire storyline of the little rabbit Lele in observing and understanding.
    意 is willing to care for helping others, experience caring for others, and help others.
    意 is willing to express and express boldly, learn complete sentences.
    In activity preparation: children's "Early Reading", "Little Rabbit Lele" story photo.
    Activity process:
    The activity
    division (present a big radish): What is this? What small animals love to eat big radish? (Little White Rabbit)
    Talk about talking
    ⒈ Teachers showing photos of Bunny Lele: One day, Little Rabbit Lele went out to play, what did it encounter? (Children's guess)
    ⒉ ⒉ found a big radish on the side of the road. What would it do? (Discussion of children)
    ⒊ ⒊ ⒊ (((((easily? How did you know? (Guide children to observe the picture and learn how the rabbit pulls radish)
    Let's help it! (Children learn the movements of radish together, shouting one, two, and three in their mouths)
    ⒋ We helped Lele pull out the radish. What would it say?
    This on the way home, who did Lele meet? What will it say to Feifei?
    它 What will they do?
    Is eating radish with good friends? What do you see? (Learn to eat radish together)
    ⒎ At this time, what happened at this time?
    What do you see from? (Know the mark of rain and lightning.)
    ⒏ What can I do? (Guide children to find a way and express it completely.)
    ⒐ You thought so many good ideas just now. Really great. I do n’t know what the rabbits they thought about? Let's take a look.
    办 What is their way?
    听 What is the name of this nice story? (Present the book "Early Reading in Toddlers", read the first page of "Bunny Lele" story.)
    This to read the big book on the three sides.
    乐 乐 and Feifei are really a good friend who helped each other and share with each other. Do you have a good friend?
    The small class text plan 2 Activity goals:
    1. Listening and observing the story, the characteristics of perceived frogs, and the interesting appearance characteristics of the jumping green car.
    2. Through discussion activities, we can further perceive and understand the storyline of the story. Knowing that the little frog can exert its strength, it is the best.
    3. Bold imagining magical cars and willing to communicate with companions.
    4. Use existing life experience, bold imagination, speculation and expressing their understanding of the storyline according to the picture.
    5. By observing the picture, guide children to tell the content of the picture.
    Cope preparation:
    Classification: "Bouncing Green Train"
    The activity process:
    . Teachers have doubts and guide the topic of children's activities.
    This, have you seen a car? Have you ever seen a jumping car? Let's enjoy the story "Bouncing Green Boat" together.
    . The teacher tells the story of the story before the story, so that the child can initially perceive the origin of the green car.
    1, who is there in the story? What competition do the frogs want to participate? How do you help it?
    2. Please guess the children, can frog cars do it? Can he get the first place?
    . The teacher tells the second half of the story and perceives the process of the frog car participating in the competition.
    1. The frog green car runs fast? Or other cars run fast?
    2. What did the little frog do? Finally, what is the jumping green car?
    . Discussion:
    1. What skills are the frog?
    . Why can frog cars get the first place without wheels?
    It was very big. He played his own advantages, jumped forward with his four legs, swim in the water with four legs, and finally won the championship. Let us applaud the little frog together! Education boldly imagine and try to tell in words.
    It the car rally race in the forest! What kind of animals do you want to be to participate in the competition? How do you want to dress up to participate in the competition?
    . Music game: driving the car
    Terer leading the young children to lead children With "My Car" music, the game ended the event.
    The small class lesson plan 3 Activity goals:
    . Initial understanding the content of the story, try to judge who it is from the tooth printing.
    . Bold telling, feeling the fun of the story.
    Cope preparations:
    Multimedia courseware "Ah Woo"
    The activity process:
    . Demonstration of multimedia courseware 1, which arouses children's interest.
    1. Teacher: Children, have you eaten big cakes? what about the taste?
    . Teacher: Well, who made this big cake? What happened after the piglet made this big cake?
    . Demonstrate multimedia courseware 2-15 and observe the tooth printing on the cake.
    This pigs encountered birds, rabbits, foxes, crocodiles, and horses.
    1. What kind of dental print did the bird leave on the big cake?
    . What kind of teeth are left on the big cake?
    3. What kind of dental prints did the fox "ah woo woo" on the big cake?
    4. What kind of teeth are left on the crocodile on the big cake?
    5. Hippo "Ah Woo" on the big cake, what kind of dental prints did you leave?
    . Demonstration of multimedia courseware 16-17, judge who is.
    1. Teacher: The pig's stomach was hungry "grunt", "ah woo", he also bite on the big cake to see what his dental printing looks like?
    . Teacher: Now, has the children guessed out, who is it "ah woo" on the big cake?
    . The game: Who's tooth printing
    The small class lesson plan 4 Activity goals:
    1. Perception, understanding the storyline, and boldly express your thoughts.
    2. Sentences in learning stories: XXXX, it must be delicious, ah, eat it.
    3. Knowing that delicious things can not be greedy, share with you.
    The activity preparation: 2 small snake pictures; 1 background picture is covered on the blackboard with cloth; bananas, orange, apples, watermelon pictures are equal to young children; know how to walk by the snake; Four types of fruits;
    The activity process:
    . Show the little snake and lead to the theme
    . (Show the snake) today, our class came to a small guest, take a look at it, and see who's that? It has a nice name called Xiao Snake Duoduo, we say hello to the little snake!
    2. How do you guess how many snakes come from? (Come)
    3. Xiaosen Duo is going to invite our children to go out to play today. Are you happy? Then let's learn a lot of snakes together. (Listen to music for a circle) Teacher guide the child: Seeing friends nod ...
    2. Show the big snake
    1, ah, after playing a circle, what happened to the little snake? (Children said) How can the stomach be big? (Children's guess)
    2. Is this really the case? Please listen with small ears and small eyes. What is going on?
    3. (Show the background map, the snake) Teacher tells the first paragraph of the story: ah, eat it. What do you see when you swim a lot? (Banana) What is banana like? (Soft) Is it delicious? (Delicious) Little snake also thinks so much. It thinks: Banana is soft, it must be delicious, ah, eat it. (Carefully guide children to learn this sentence, divide men and women, individual say)
    4. Is there a lot of belly? (Nothing) What else does it eat? (Go forward with the snake) Little snake swimming, what do you see? (Orange) What taste of orange? (Sour sour, please talk about individual and front and rear children.) It must be delicious. How does the snake eat? (Scholars: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, what kind of fruit will you see? Let's take a look with the little snake. (The teacher led the children to listen to the music to visit the table, and there are apples and watermelons on the table with the same number of young children.) Wow, what kind of fruit did you see? (Apple and watermelon) Well, let me try it (Teacher's demonstration: Apple is crispy, it must be delicious, ah, eat it) The teacher posted it on his stomach. The young children tried to eat together, and posted it on the stomach, and the teacher guided.
    6. After eating, go back and go back. What did you eat just now? What is it? (Talk about children) Please stand up and talk about the young children who eat apples. Watermelon is the same.
    7. (Show the big snake in the big belly). Look at it, the little snake has eaten so many fruit belly. It can't be swimming, I can't go home, so anxious. What can I do, the children quickly think about it (child guesses)
    8. At this time, a little ant came, it climbed and climbed on the nose of the snake. Yes, I had a big sneezing, sneezing, alas! A banana sprayed out. The little ant was scratched and scratched, and a big sneeze was sneezed (leaving a blank to let the child learn) to spray an orange. The same method: apple, watermelon.
    9. The little snake is more comfortable now. It gave the fruit to the little ant and went home easily. Little snakes have eaten too many fruits to swim. Do you think it is okay? What do you want to say with the snake?
    . Tell the story completely
    1. Show the proper abdication of the children's book teacher to guide the children to participate in telling the story
    . Fruit sharing the snake to share it now. People eat too much, let everyone share them together, in order to thank the children, ask us to share the fruits (show the fruit) to listen to the music together to taste it.
    Activity reflection:
    For our children in our class, there are still too many restraints for collective teaching. From the age characteristics of children in small class, they like to talk freely, rather than the requirements of being bound in teaching classrooms. Considering that the children's thinking cannot be restrained, and they cannot be separated from teaching activities. I designed from the following four aspects:
    1. Use the operating teaching aids to stimulate children to listen to interest. In language teaching activities, the story is what children love to hear, and they are also interested in. Therefore, in the form of storytelling, you must first attract the attention of children. Only in this way can the story teaching be effectively carried out. Children see the specific image of teaching aids and understand the story further.
    . Use the form of guessing to lead the story. When children listen to the story, they actually have many ideas and want to express their opinions. If it is just to suppress the child's thoughts, the effect will be counterproductive. Using guessing forms, children express their thoughts and guess in time, and come up with more ways that our adults cannot imagine.
    3. Use maps to learn short sentences. When learning the short sentence, children are always boring about boring teaching methods. Through the expression and gestures of the image, and using the map, children can better understand the short sentences. In this session, children can quickly learn short sentences, and most children can say the words "sweet" and "sour".
    . Use the game to make a short sentence. In fact, for small class children, it is difficult to create short sentences. But through the pavement of the previous link, children have basic fruit experience, and children can create it. So use the situation to incorporate the small snake into the children to play together. Maybe because the weather is getting colder, and the children have less fruit, so they have a certain limit on their own understanding. Therefore, when the short sentences are created, some children talk about the sentences around the four fruits just now.
    The small class lesson plan 5 activity requirements:
    L. Differentiated objects that can roll and cannot roll, compare their similarities and differences. Knowing that the sphere can roll in all directions, the wheels can roll on both sides.
    2. Through attempts, the ability of children to find problems and solve the problem of witty problems is initially cultivated.
    The activity preparation:
    L, ball, bottle, wheel doll each; a car without wheels.
    2. Collect various large and small carton, building blocks, balls, beverage bottles, wheel -shaped items and various toy cars.
    3. Prepare three L-2 meters long roads.
    The activity process:
    , what will roll, what will not roll?
    1. Show two cars (one with wheels, one without wheels). Essence
    ① Teacher leads the topic with Xiaogen Benben's tone.
    Division: "I am a small elephant stupid. My friends in the city sent me a car, but I don’t know how to let the car move, who can help me?"
    ② Did you show it? The wheel car makes the child say why it doesn't move?
    ③ the teacher installed the upper wheels for the car to observe the child, why the car still doesn't move.
    : (Fang's things cannot be waved, and round things can be rolled.)
    ④ Through comparison, let the children know what is rolling? n 2, freely play carton, building blocks; wheels and other things, guide children to divide the items into "rolling" and "not rolling".
    Division: I have a bunch of things, but I don’t know what will roll and what will not roll. You can try it, and then put it in the (rolling) box. Put it in the (rolling) box. (Toddlers hand in hand)
    . What are the differences between the direction of the sphere, the bottle -shaped object, the direction of the wheel rolling.
    L. Show three different shapes of "dolls". Please try to guess who "rolling".
    ① (in the noise) present this M "doll" respectively, please tell the children who they are?
    ② Please guess who is big?
    Division: It turns out that they all say that they are the most capable of their skills, then you guess, who is the ability?
    2. Through attempts, the sphere can roll in all directions. Objects such as wheels, bottles, bottles can only roll on both sides.
    . Playing the car
    1. Lenovo, where do you see wheels and use in your life?
    . The children are smooth in the form of a game. Playing on the soft and uneven ground is different. (Three cars must be the same)
    ① What are the differences between children to touch these three roads?
    ② Show the three same cars, ask the children to choose one to think that the car drives the most on it. Quick road, stand in the back, choose a small racer to match from each. (The time allows the car to carry the car, so the effect is more obvious)
    ③, please ask the child to say which on the car is fastest, why?
    , "wheel traveler", in the wheels, in the wheels, Apply the color and roll over the white paper to observe the different seals of the wheels.
    ① Teacher's demonstration, explanation, children's hands -on operation.
    ② Teacher summary.
    . Listen to the music of "driving a car" and enter the "forest".
    The teacher said in a stupid tone: "Today, I have learned a lot of knowledge about rolling rolling. I want to invite you to my home to be a guest. Are you willing? :
    1. I am willing to share Christmas gifts with good friends in play, guessing, and taste, and tell everyone about their discovery and feelings. R n Qiencing preparation:
    In antenna baby headdress, gifts and boxes, Christmas costumes, tapes
    Activity process:
    . Watch the video, lead to gifts
    , 吆, here is there any What are the names of many antenna babies?
    2. Watching the video of "Baby of the Floor"
    The antenna babies, let's play together. (Put the video)
    Will they get their favorite gifts when the festival is fast to small waves?
    Xiaobo, Lala, they all get their own gifts, babies of the antenna, do you want to get gifts?
    . Santa Claus Gifts
    1. Gels with Santa Claus
    2. Perceive gift boxes and gifts
    Gifts are all available. R n ◆ Tell your good friends gently, how is your box baby growing?
    ◆ Who will tell you what your box is?
    ◆ The antenna baby, come and shake it What sound does it listen to in the box?
    ◆ Guess what is inside the box?
    In the box gently, where is the most convenient to find.
    ◆ Say What gifts do you get?
    ◆ What taste of your candy? (Remind children to share with friends)
    . Dance with Santa Claus
    1. Music When the New Year is coming, we have danced with Santa Claus.
    2. Goodbye to Santa. Animals will grow up. I like to read and cultivate the interest of reading.
    The preliminary understanding of its characteristics.
    The curiosity of children's curiosity about things, willing to explore and experiment.
    n "Being Friends with Animals" Page 12-13 of children's books or e -books.
    Is about animal growth. Learning field:
    Forms: collective
    1. Question to children: Lele Have you ever seen any animals.
    2. Show the children's books or e -books, tell the story "Lele Go to see the little flower cat":
    one day, my father said to Lele, "I will take you to a mysterious place today." Dad wants to bring Lele to a friend's house. The man's house has a few cats, some of which are gray -black and some are yellow.
    Is a big cat just became a mother, and it gave birth to 5 kittens. Lele saw three kittens who was eating cats*milk, and two kittens were sleeping.
    Lele asked Dad: "Can I take the kitten home?" Dad said, "Kitten is just born, they all need cats to take care of. Can you be a cat mother?" Lele shake Shaking his head, Dad also said, "If the kitten leaves the cat's mother, the cat mother and the kitten will be sad."
    Lele asked again, "Dad, can you take me again to see the kitten?" Dad said, "Yes, you can look at the kitten growing up. Kitters will grow up slowly like you."
    . Ask the child to ask the child: you know how the kitten is born, grows long, Is it big? Parents and young children are requested to find the answer together.
    4. Share the information I found with the children.
    5. Read books about animal growth with young children to help children understand: Dogs and cat babies will grow and develop in his*belly before they are born.
    6. Show the animal mother and baby map card, and ask the children to match the "mother" and "baby" correctly.
    A activity evaluation:
    This can know that animals will grow up.
    It like reading books.
    The activity suggestion:
    The process of this event can be carried out in several links, such as: process 1 and 2 can use the transition link to ask questions; process 3 please cooperate with home; process 4 and 5 6 can be carried out in the form of teaching activities in the class. At the same time, process 4 can continue to use the morning conversation time according to the interests of children's interests and information collected.
    Moin books related to animal growth in the book area for children to choose.
    This reflection:
    The led children to explore in depth again, leaving the room for exploration and extended space for children. The entire event is given a relaxed atmosphere of children. Teachers just act as supporters, encourages, collaborators, guides, listen to the children's expressions with heart, and sort out and summarize in a timely manner.
    It small class lesson plans 8 design background:
    If children are always curious to see a variety of bright colors, and the color is also very attractive to young children. In this section, "I am a Little Magician" is combined with children's love for colors, using the activities that children such as magic use, and use the methods of letting children explore and explore with the teacher, combine the map, etc. to deepen the children's understanding of colors. Let the young children feel the change of color, knowing that red, yellow, and blue colors can change the common sense of purple, orange, and green, and enrich the life experience of children, so that the children's understanding is not just the paint is not just the paint Among the things that are more in nature and around us.
    Activity goals:
    1. By letting children explore freely, guide children to experience the happiness brought by mixed color changes.
    2. In the play, let the children know the result of the three primary colors.
    3. Children learned to read the picture to speake the song.
    4. In the event, let children experience the joy of success.
    5. Develop children's observation and imagination.
    The event is difficult:
    The child knows the results after mixing the color in the game, and try to talk about children's songs.
    Cope preparation:
    1, red and yellow blueprints
    2. Several gouache and pigment pigments of red, yellow and blue and other colors n Activity process:
    Magic guidance topic
    1. Today, I am a little magician, what do you know what the magician is? Use them to perform a magic.
    2. Teachers and young people know the color (mainly understanding red and yellow and blue).
    . Children are free to explore colors and initially feel the color.
    Is ask the children to use the gouache pigment to graffiti freely, ask: What do you find.
    . Teachers lead the children to observe the colors and initially perceive the mixed color.
    1. Pour red and blue together, observe the color of children), what do you find?
    2. Why it becomes purple (blue is added inside). What is the purple like? Children freely express their ideas.
    3. Use pictures (red babies and yellow babies to turn hands to purple babies) to express the experimental process.
    . Ask the child to experiment with the teacher to stimulate the desire to explore children.
    1. The teacher and young man pull the red and yellow babies together to see the changes.
    2. Why it becomes orange (yellow is added inside). What is orange like? Children freely express their ideas.
    3. The same picture is also represented by pictures.
    5. The child's own experiment to operate yellow and blue babies, and the teacher guidance. And use pictures to express.
    6. Teachers and young people watch the picture together to sing children's songs together, and use the game to "guess the next sentence" to end the event.
    Self -evaluation:
    I combined the situation of the young children in this class and the age characteristics of the young children, so I chose a scientific activity "I am a Little Magician". The goal of this lesson is
    1. By letting young children explore freely, it will guide children to experience the happiness brought by mixed color changes.
    2. In the play, let the children know the result of the three primary colors.
    3. Children learned to read the picture to speake the song.
    The introduction of this event, I discovered the mysteries of colors by letting the children discover the mysteries of colors freely. Compared with the previous teacher's direct demonstration test, children prefer to explore freely, and fully satisfy the young children. A sense of accomplishment.
    The whole activity, I arranged three links: First of all, the teacher's "magic" form attracted the attention of children and stimulated children's interest in playing. The teacher turned into the magic of purple through red and blue, fully mobilizing the children's many senses, making children interested. The second session is to let the children try to match the color with the teacher and perceive the change of the color. Once again, it will make children initially feel that the two colors will be blended together and will become another color, which will stimulate the desire to further explore children. In the third session, I let go completely, let the children complete the entire experiment by themselves, and make progress. The children really feel the joy of being a magician. In the end, the forms of children's rhymes made children quickly remember the color changes. This time, I have made the pictures of the picture, and the child’s eyeballs are immediately attracted. What is the color of the color after the two colors mixed? Happy. True children to play in the middle of playing, playing middle school, and make a section of boring scientific activities that make children interested and like it. However, after the class, I found that the shortcomings still exist is that the language of the teacher is not refined enough, and it is even more vivid. As a young teacher, there are many places to learn. In the future teaching, I will continue to work hard, continue to improve my teaching and scientific research, and take every activity lesson.
    This reflection:
    The children's understanding of things has the characteristics and specific characteristics of things. They like to directly participate in attempts and are particularly interested in operating experience activities. This scientific activity is in line with the psychological characteristics of children's hands -on and inquiry. The purpose of the activity is to cultivate the interest and creative consciousness of children's hands -on operation, active activities. The provision of materials not only pays attention to the normal nature of the material, but also fully pays attention to the layered and openness of the material. Children can try to use different materials and different methods to actively explore and experience the happiness of success.
    The small class text plan 9 Activity goals:
    1. Cultivate children's origami interest and improve children's hands -on ability.
    2. Guide children to look at icons to use rectangular paper folding boxes to develop a good habit of cleaning up and organizing their own items.
    The activity preparation: a folding square box size, a picture of the origami steps, and a few rectangular hanging paper.
    Cope process
    1. Useful square box.
    1. Show a set of boxes to let the children observe the items in the square box, and talk about the role of the square box and the production materials used.
    What do you see what Teacher Zhong brought to the children today, what kind of box is this?
    Who said how do you want to design it like this? design.
    2. Teacher summary: These square boxes are debris boxes, which are used to classify and organize items. A pen is placed in a box, a paper is placed in a box, and a paper is placed in a box. Essence This thing will not be messy, it is more convenient to find.
    . Show the origami step map, and the teacher demonstrates it once.
    1. The rectangular calendar paper (the proportion of long and short edges is about 2: 1), and the middle line on both sides is folded.
    2. Fold the upper part to the back.
    3. Pull the surface layer open and flatter along the dotted line.
    4. Turn the side, the fold method is the same as 3.
    5. The sides of the surface layer are folded in the middle, and the back of the back is the same.
    6. Two layers of the front and rear layers are rolled down at the same time.
    7. Pull your mouth open into a square box.
    three, self -selection horn.
    1. In the handicraft area, the teacher prepared some cartons and some sponge paper, wax light paper and other materials for the children. Children can design these materials for various types of debris boxes. Children can except for children. In addition to these cartons, you can also use rubber puree to pinch and use painting paper to design debris boxes.
    2. In the reading area, the teacher puts some books about making debris boxes in this corner of the area. You can read and watch in this corner.
    3. In the puzzle area, children can use the miscellaneous box you made to install some messy things in our corner.
    . The operation of children.
    1. Please look at the drawing origami for children, and the teacher tour guidance.
    2. Remind young children to be patient and fold step by step, pay attention to the flatness.
    3. Observe and guide other areas.
    5. Evaluation of works.
    1. Show the work of children's folding and guide children to evaluate each other.
    Net nodes: Children have made so many beautiful debris boxes. Our children can not only be used to organize various items in our classroom, we can also bring their homes and sort out some items in their rooms Essence Effect analysis:

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