diva jewelry wholesale Can I apply for a business license without a store?

diva jewelry wholesale

2 thoughts on “diva jewelry wholesale Can I apply for a business license without a store?”

  1. envy jewelry wholesale No, the business license is required.

    "The Company Law of the People's Republic of China"

    The company that established in accordance with the law shall be issued by the company's registration authority to the company's business license. The company's business license issuance date is the company's establishment date. The company's business license should contain the company's name, residence, registered capital, scope of business, and legal representative names. If the issue of the company's business license records changes, the company shall apply for change registration in accordance with the law, and the company's registration authority shall be replaced with a business license.

  2. wholesale jewelry austin Pay content for time limit to check for freenAnswer Hello, I have seen your question. I am sorting out the answer, please wait a while ~nWhat do you mean by what you mean?nWith a business store, renting a house can also apply for a business license. Conditions for the business license for individual households: (1) Copy of the store property certificate (it is a rental house, but also the rental agreement). (2) Several copies of ID cards, several photos of one inch. (3) Go to the local industrial and commercial institute to apply for a business license for industrial and commercial business. (4) Go to the taxation certificate to apply for a tax registration certificate. Now it seems that you have to apply for an industry code certificate and at the Quality Inspection Bureau. (5) After obtaining the tax registration certificate, apply for invoices, and the invoice is divided into two types: first, according to the tax method, that is, the monthly turnover shall pay the same taxes every month. The amount of tax per month is paid at the tax rate (6) The entire process is about 500 yuan, and the time is about 15-30 days, which are different in various places.n1 morenBleak

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