buy fashion jewelry wholesale new delhi delhi Does anyone know who is the prototypes of Roger and Blackbeard in One Piece? Is there a picture? thanks

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4 thoughts on “buy fashion jewelry wholesale new delhi delhi Does anyone know who is the prototypes of Roger and Blackbeard in One Piece? Is there a picture? thanks”

  1. natural gemstone jewelry wholesale Edward Tiki [1] is the first pirate when the government tries to ban but is already out of control. In Queen Annie, he was a sailor in an armed ship. He kept a cluster of black beard, which was the men of Captain Geut, and later broke away from Geter's self -standing portal. In 1715, he directed the "revenge queen" with 40 artillery. The Royal Navy of the British Navy that pirates dare not mess with. His crazy let his name know the name of "Black Beard Emperor" after the World War I, and the entire Atlantic coast was caught in the horror of "even the Royal Navy could not ensure safety". He had a pair of deep -fledgling eyes, a thick and personalized beard with a strong face. The beard is very public, and sometimes he has to use a strap to make a lot of braids that are scratched in all directions. His one -eyed and one leg was replaced by a wood, and he wore deer -leather boots all year round. He was full of energy and excellent appetite. He was full of alcohol all day. He exuded the strange smell of pungent smell and gunpowder. The taste made everyone who wanted to talk to him involuntarily. His wide shoulders were always wearing both shoulders, wearing a fixed bullet clip and a pistol inserted in the leather case. What's more, when he was in a good mood, a leisurely parrot was always fell on his shoulders. The most distinctive feature is that every time he was plundered, two ignited fuses were inserted under his hats, and the black smoke rises on the ears on both sides of his sides, so that everyone can make everyone. When he saw him, he seemed to be facing a gunpowder barrel that was going to explode at any time. This was the infamous big pirate "black beard". The real name of Blackbeard is Edward Tiki. Bristol Bristol, born in 1680. At that time, Britain was turbulent and was in a state of war with Maritime competitors Spain for many years. As a result, the British government acquiesced in the sea to attack and robs those past foreign merchant ships (its goals are mainly targeted at Spanish merchant ships) at the sea. Young blackbeard was a sailor on such armed folk ships. In 1713, the "British Battle of the West" ended and Spain defeated. According to the "Utel Treaty Treaty", not only cut the Gibraltar Strait to Britain, but also enabled Britain to gain the monopoly right of selling slaves. The British Empire became a veritable maritime hegemon. The "triangle trade" immediately began to rise. The so -called "triangle trade" is the international trade centered on the sale of slaves. At that time, a large number of British merchants took glass, ceramic vessels, various decorations, Du Songzi wine, gun ammunition, copper tin utensils to Africa to exchange black slaves from Liverpool, Bristol, and London. It is shipped to the plantation of Western India and South American colonies, sold to the owner of the plantation, and then buy the colonial sugar and tobacco to return to the UK. "Triangle Trade" brings a steady stream of money to Britain, and many people become very rich in a short time. In such a trade atmosphere, the original armed ships can be described as fish, and many sailors have become professional pirates. Later, they even developed not only to rob the merchant ships of other countries, but even Britain's own vessels did not let go. As a result, the entire Caribbean became a hunting ground for the pirates. When the queen ordered the armed vessels to stop attacking the merchant ship, they discovered what it means to play fire. Blackbeard is his thrilling pirate career in this historical background. This year in 1716, for Black Beard, it was a turning point in a "career". This year, he began to follow the famous Captain Honeygord as a pirate. The plunder boat served as the commander. Blackbeard faithfully followed Captain Honeygord for two years. Later, in the Caribbean area, Captain Honeygolde successfully plundered a large commercial ship that sells slaves from Africa to the Americas and transported jewelry. Mast sailing. At that time, in addition to a large number of slaves on the ship, it was full of gold, silver and gems. After Captain Honeygord made the ship's hand, he transferred to Edward Tiki as a remuneration. Blackbeard was extremely excited to take over the great business ship with a strong combat effectiveness, renamed it the "Revenge Queen", and then started another stove. Blackbeard was still unknown when he first fought alone, but he became famous for the first time. It turned out that the pirates at that time after all, they played the banner of Major His Majesty, so they always tried everything to avoid the Royal Navy of the British Empire. Even if they meet on a narrow road, try to avoid fighting, unless they fall into despair, they will not fight with the British Navy. But the black beard is no matter how three or twenty -one, he is born a deadly man. It seems to be a big disaster in the eyes of others, but in his opinion, it is exactly the most exciting challenge. Therefore, as soon as he went to the sea, he went straight to the British Coastal Defense Office on the east coast. At the port of the military port, he dared to rob the British merchant ship "Ellen". At that time, the British naval warship, which was parked in Hong Kong at the time, turned out to be the British pirate to attack the British warships under the day and day. The British warships first fired. Blackbeard drove the "Queen of Revenge" to avoid the opponent's shelling, and the opportunity to move forward at all speed and hit the British warship at full speed. This suicide life was stunned by the Royal Navy, because they had never seen such a play, and for a while, they were at a loss. The pirates under Blackbeard took the opportunity to raise the gun and fired crazy on the deck. The British officers and soldiers were suffering and suffered heavy injuries, and they fled. Blackbeard has since been famous for the world, and the entire Atlantic coastal vessels fled as long as they heard the name. When people were disturbed by the name of Blackbeard, he suddenly disappeared without a trace, causing the British Navy to hunt up without success. Two years later, when the incident was gradually forgotten, he quietly emerged. From then on, on the route between Virginia south and Honduras, almost all traversal vessels were within the scope of his robbery, and many business ships became his pocket. After 18 months of crazy robbery, black -bearded loot accumulated like mountains. In some port cities in North Carolina in the United States, he handled a lot of snatch things at a low price. What is even more unimaginable is that people quickly discover that gold and money are not the only hobbies. His biggest hobby is torture with the pleasure of torture, until he torture and death. Blackbeard likes to kill captives the most -why do you say so? It turned out that every time the black beard was robbed of a boat, they ordered the passengers to tie their hands, blindfolded their eyes, and tried them to jump into the sea on the side of the ship with a sharp sword. Light. Once, a captured captain resisted the black beard slightly, and he cut off the captain's nose and ears, and forced him to eat the bloody ears and nose on the spot. The most cruel thing is that blackbeard not only kills innocence, but also does not even let go of his life. It is said that whenever a batch of treasures need to be buried, he takes a sailor together. However, when he burys half -cut, he often attacks the sailor from behind Down. In May 1718, Blackbeard successfully realized that it was a bolder raid in his entire pirate career: he led four pirate ships to block Charlston, the capital of South Carolina. Hall the fire. Suddenly, all vessels fell into a sea of ​​fire. In this robbery, he abducted many members of the hostages and municipal councils to cut off the heads of these hostages and asked the municipal government to exchange huge ransom to exchange for the freedom of hostages. Under the brutality of Blackbeard, the municipal government had to meet his requirements. When the Blackbeard Pirate fleet left Charliston, not only obtained a large amount of items such as cotton and tobacco, but also extorted 1.5 million pounds of ransom. This huge ransom is enough for him to enjoy it for life. So he wanted to take the opportunity to scatter and swallow the treasure himself alone. In order to get rid of those associates who were born with him, he set up a poisonous plan and drove the "Queen of Anne" and the other two ships to a solitary island and deliberately stranded it, letting his hands as shore to check and repair. In addition, the 40th confidant took the opportunity to take the boat to quickly leave the island. Two days later, Major England Bonte accidentally drove his sailing boat to this deserted island, and then rescued all the pirates that were thrown down by black beard. At that time, although most members of the South Carolina City Government were frightened by the obscenity of the black beard, there was an exception that he was the governor of Virginia Alexander Stapzwand. This person is determined to kill the "black beard" at all costs, and the black beard, such as the ruthlessness of his associates, also angered all the pirates who came back at the time. They contacted a lot of businessmen who were hurt by black beard and the owner of the plantation. Soon, the governor issued an announcement that encouraged the general public to help the government to arrest the black beard. The city government rewarded the reward and caught the £ 100 of the Blackbeard himself; he caught the other pirate captain awarded 40 pounds; he caught his men's master of 20 pounds; he caught the lower -level officer award at £ 15; the ordinary pirate award was 10 pounds. In addition, Governor Sipzwood also asked for help with the England Navy Base. The Royal Navy sent two warships of the "Pearl" and "Lim", with a total of more than 60 sailors and a large number of weapons to help catch black beard. Lieutenant Lieutenant Robert Menard is the commander of the two warships. In the autumn of 1718, Spezwood received a secret report that the flagship "adventurer" of Blackbeard was anchoring in Oklakuck Bay, and he immediately sent the two warships to arrest. At this time, the black beard was also reported through its inside, and the governor's secretariat was reported. In the evening they drank all night on the shore, and then returned to the pirate ship equipped with 9 artillery after dawn. On the afternoon of November 17, 1718, the two sides began to make fire. Lieutenant Merner saw the flag of black beard hanging on the top of the mast of the other pirate ship -a blood -red heart and white skull printed on the black base map Essence After all, the black beard gunners have been passing the battlefield for a long time. At the beginning of the fight, they accurately hit the "Rhm". The soldiers on the boat were seriously casualties, and the captain Baker immediately killed. Blackbeard's rotating cannon mouth shot into the "Pearl". During the fierce battle between the two sides, the Captain Blackbeard was holding the fuse of the light to close the fuse of the artillery. Later spread. Subsequently, the rear artillery hit the cannon rack sharply, and a deadly artillery shell sprayed out at the English warship. The artillery team on the pirate ship was shot on the warship of the Royal Navy one by one. A single sailing and pirate ships of England approached one meter and one meter. Until the two ships suddenly came into contact, the ship's side touched together. Due to the complicated terrain of Oklaka Kook, there were shallow beaches and reefs everywhere, and the ships of both sides soon stranded, and naval battles became land war. At this time, Lieutenant Merner on the naval ship ordered all soldiers to hide immediately, leaving only two people and standing on the deck as a bait. The black beard was fooled. He thought that everyone on the boat was killed. Then he shouted and climbed up to the "Pearl". The Royal Navy suddenly rushed out of the bottom and began a fierce melee combat. During the bloody war, Lieutenant Merner finally had only 12 live soldiers. Blackbeard thought he could win soon. Suddenly, he discovered Lieutenant Merida and shot a gun. Blackbeard and Lieutenant Merner almost pulled out their pistols at the same time, but Blackbeard was not able to hit because of drunk wine, but Menard hit his belly with a shot. After interrupted Menard's saber, a sailor's eye was fast, and he quickly pierced his neck. Blackbeard was holding blood and holding Menard's throat, while other sailor rushed up to the combo, until he killed him. After the doomsday of Blackbeard, Lieutenant Merner and soldiers cleared the battlefield, and found a total of 25 knife injuries and 5 gun wounds on Blackbeard. He ordered his men to cut the black beard's head and feed the shark. The heads of the black beard later circulated two sayings: Some people said that after the black beard's head was cut off, they toured a lot of laps around the "Adventure" until they disappeared from the depths of the sea forever. Some people also said that Lieutenant Merida took the chopped head as a warning and hung back on the warship's teeth. A week later, the head of the black beard was boiled, wrapped in silver foil, and made a wine glass. Later, people used it in many tavern until this silver pirate head disappeared mysteriously on the East Coast of the United States. Why did this pirate -headed wine glass mysterious disappeared later? It turned out that as soon as the black beard died, the treasure he buried became the goal of many people's search. Because he could not find it, some people wanted to find his hidden clues from his head. In fact, the head of the black beard is actually looking for the Blackbeard Treasure Treasure. At that time, after the Black Beard was killed by Lieutenant Merida, the soldiers of the Royal Navy searched all the places that could hide their treasures on the Blackbeard Pirates. However, they searched and found only 145 bags of cocoa beans, 11 barrels of wine, 1 barrel of blue crickets and 1 pack of cotton, but did not find gold and silver jewelry. Since then, the treasures of the unknown of the black beard have begun to spread into countless kinds of statements, because the captains of the merchant ships that have been plundered by black beard know that he must have hidden a lot of treasures, but where are those treasures? Intersection As a result, all daily necessities and residences related to blackbeard have become the goal of search for treasure hunt. After many years, they finally admitted that the black beard was too cunning. He did not leave any words and any clues, let alone Tibetan treasure maps. Not only that, shortly before the death of Blackbeard, only the devil and him can find the place where his treasure can be found. In 1997, the flagship "Revenge Queen" of the Blackbeard Pirate fleet sank 270 years later, a diver in the United States finally discovered its trace. After the archeologist, the wreckage of the "Queen of Revenge" was located at the so -called "Hurricane Corridor" two hundred meters away from the coast of the North Carolina. As a result, people began to look forward to removing a batch of treasures underwater. Of course, this is just a wish of treasure hunting. As for when this wish can be implemented to become reality, it seems that time old people will continue to testify

  2. custom jewelry wholesalers Blackbeard: Marshall D. Tiki, White Beard: Edward New Gait
    Prototrans: In the early 18th century, Big Pirates Black Beard, Edward Tich

    WT's black beard The shape and the black beard shape in history can be described as very similar. It is "his wide shoulders always wear a wore on his shoulders, and the pistols that are filled with bullet fixture and three pistols inserted in the leather case. "Quoted from Baidu Encyclopedia

    The black beard in history has such a saying: Edward Tich is the first pirate when the government tries to ban but is already an unpredictable.

    In this war, the protagonist is white beard and the navy, because of the black beard because of the reasons of black beard. We can see that the reason for the black and white beard The prototypes are all black beard beards. In history, the black beard and the Queen Queen's Royal Navy are similar to the extreme. So is the meaning of black beard and white beard in OP's meaning of the same meaning as the black beard in history?

    So there is YY below. I think that the significance of this black and white beard in OP is similar to the 30 -year significance of the black beard in history. Beard is the first pirate when the government is trying to ban but is already out of control. Then, this time because of the big event caused by Blackbeard, the hostile forces of the entire pirate are destroyed and pirates are extremely rampant. The so -called era is running away!

    The blackbeard in history makes the Royal Navy unprepared. Pirate gold is coming for 30 years. The life full of freedom and dream. Bloody, murder and other uncomfortable elements!

    The earliest red -haired bearded in the runaway. The earliest event was first mentioned by Ace after being defeated: this duel was called the big event that the world talked about Wedge ...

    Therefore, emphasizing my point of view, similar to history. After the war, the entire naval military power was greatly impacted (the Queen Queen Royal Navy),
    The balance of three major forces was thorough Breaking, the times are runaway, the navy has been unable to curb the spread of pirate forces, and the era of pirates brought by Roger has been brought into another climax, and new people have emerged endlessly (30 years of pirate gold, pirate behavior spread, and the government's attempt to ban it also stops. No), the rights of the world government are insignificant, the revolutionary forces are swollen everywhere, and the anti -world government's enthusiasm is unprecedented!

    The prototype of Roger, some say that the origin of Roger's name is the Jolly Rogers, which illustrates from one aspect. Roger reveals the pirate in the sense of OP. The key to behavior is that there is a pirate flag in history, so that there will be a pirate spirit, and there will be pirate behavior. We also know that the pirate flag is the soul of the pirates and glory. Like the first pirates in history, it is just the earliest pirates. Roger's last words give the pirates to have dreams and the goals pursuing, just like the pirate flag gives the pirates to glory the soul! This is the meaning of Roger in WT!

    The blackbeard, but the entire pirate behavior has been brought to an unprecedented aggressive era. In fact, the era of OP's pirate has not really coming, waiting for the black beard to open the presence!
    Therefore, the world talks about big events and talks about such an era of violence. This is the beginning and end of the big event! Blackbeard is also a dream and powerful person. I recognize him very much, although it is a bit bad!

  3. jewelry wholesale manufacturers Blackbeard: Marshall D. Tiki, White Beard: Edward New Gait
    Protocol: In the early 18th century, Big Pirates Black Beard, Edward Tich n
    The prototype, some say that the origin of Roger's name is the Jolly
    rogers, which illustrates from one aspect. Roger's key to unveil the behavior of pirates in the sense of OP. There is a sea in history. There will be a pirate spirit, so that there will be pirate behavior. We also know that the pirate flag is the soul of the pirates and glory. The early pirates, Roger's last words, gave the pirates dreaming and pursuing goals, just like the pirate flag gave the pirates to glory the soul! This is the meaning of Roger in WT!

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