jewelry packaging wholesale malaysia What are the richest people in the six worlds in our history, and how can He Xi rank among the first place?

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1 thought on “jewelry packaging wholesale malaysia What are the richest people in the six worlds in our history, and how can He Xi rank among the first place?”

  1. jewelry pouches wholesale with logo The famous "Wall Street Journal" in the United States listed "50 richest people in the history of the world in 2001" as early as 2001. Take a closer look, there are 6 Chinese people on it. In the third place, who is 5 people? How rich do they have?
    It No. 6: Song Ziwen
    Song Ziwen, born in 1894. Compared with the three sisters of Song Qingling, Song Meiling and Song Yiling, Song Ziwen is indeed not famous. However, the person who entered Harvard University in the United States at a young age was really not easy to study economics and obtain a master's degree. Later, he returned from his studies and was immediately appointed as the Minister of Finance. Later, he became the president of the Central Bank. "Also called him" the richest man in the world. "
    5: Wu Bingjian
    The name is a bit strange, but in the eyes of foreigners at the time, Wu Bingjian was a big celebrity. Even Marx mentioned his name in the book. London The pictorial also announced his private garden. Wu Bingjian was born in Guangzhou in 1769. He has been doing business since the early years of Kangxi. In such a family, Wu Bingjian has been dazed since he was a child, laying the foundation for his future creation of the "commercial empire". In the age of Wu Bingjian, it was the retreat of the Qing Dynasty. It only opened the Guangzhou port to carry out economic trade with the world. The "Jihexing" controlled by Wu Bingjian was the leader of the leader. Fugu is difficult.
    According to the data, as early as 1834, the property of the Wu family reached 26 million yuan, about 5 billion yuan, and it did not include real estate from various places. It was a well -deserved "rich world". However, everyone understands the principle of "tree big move". Wu Bingjian was forced to "donate money" to the Qing Dynasty again and again, and finally ended up.
    It No. 4: Liu Jin
    He was a eunuch in the Ming Dynasty. Because this person was particularly insidious and cunning, he was good at being packed, so he was loved by Mingwu Zongzong Zhu Houzhao. All the places where the eunuch guards must be tribute to Wanjin. "On the Ming Dynasty, he dared to ask for this, and I am afraid I need not say much about how much money in the back. When he was executed at that time, people found 3360 kilograms of gold and 7.25 million kg of silver from his house. You know, the state treasury of the Ming Dynasty was only 2 million kg of silver.
    3rd place: 珅
    Yes, the big corrupt officials and concubines can only be ranked third compared with them. Find out 8 to 1.1 billion white silver. If it is counted as a variety of antique calligraphy and paintings, gold jewelry, it is enough to exceed the total fiscal revenue of the Qing government in 15 years.
    The 2nd place: Kublai Khan
    Kublai Khan was the founding emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. As the monarch of a country, it is not a strange thing that he has money. "Fu" has a certain relationship.
    If: Genghis Khan
    "A generation of Tianjiao Cheng Genghis Khan" is Kublai Khan's grandfather. It was under his leadership that Mongolia was established. The "shadow" of many Europeans, because the Wall Street Journal also counted the 13 million square kilometers of land by the Mongolians as "property", Genghis Khan is the first place in the list.

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